Cooperative R&D and firm performance 

René Belderbos*, Martin Carree, Boris Lokshin

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We analyse the impact of r&d cooperation on firm performance differentiating between four types of r&d partners (competitors, suppliers, customers, and universities and research institutes), and considering two performance measures: labour productivity and productivity in innovative (new to the market) sales. Using data on a large sample of dutch innovating firms in two waves of the community innovation survey (1996, 1998), we examine the impact of r&d cooperation in 1996 on subsequent productivity growth in 1996–1998. The results confirm a major heterogeneity in the rationales and goals of r&d cooperation. Competitor and supplier cooperation focus on incremental innovations, improving the productivity performance of firms. University cooperation and again competitor cooperation are instrumental in creating innovations generating sales of products that are novel to the market, improving the growth performance of firms. Furthermore, customers and universities are important sources of knowledge for firms pursuing radical innovations, which facilitate growth in innovative sales in the absence of formal r&d cooperation.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1477-1492
Number of pages16
JournalResearch Policy
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2004


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