Collective portfolio: assessment of teaching and learning in health undergraduate courses

Glauce Dias da Costa*, Erik Driessen, Luciana Saraiva da Silva, Aline Aparecida Campos, Thiago de Melo da Costa, Cintia Pereira Donateli, Rosangela Minardi Cotta

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The potential of the reflective collective portfolio as a method of teaching, learning and assessment needs to be emphasized. The objectives is to assess and validate the quality of the collective portfolio as a method of teaching, learning and assessment in the training of health professional. Portfolio quality was analyzed using an inventory of analysis that was adapted and tested for this study. In total, 70 portfolios were analyzed. The Kappa test was used to analyze reproducibility, confirming the level of agreement between the appraisers. Descriptive analysis and the t-test were performed to compare results from the years the portfolios were produced. The constructs (layout and organization, comprehensive, reflective, critical and creative thought) exhibited Cronbach alpha values above 0.7, confirming the high reliability of the tool. The weighted Kappa test revealed an elevated and significant agreement (+90%) between the appraisers. Notably, certain items and constructs exhibited significant differences over the years. All of the constructs were assessed better from 2011 onwards, when the assessment and self-assessment tool was implemented. The success of the portfolio depends on strategies that provide students with greater clarity and forms of developing the method.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3779-3787
Number of pages9
JournalCiência & Saúde Coletiva
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2018


  • Evaluation
  • Health education
  • Medical education

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