Collaborative e-Learning: e-Portfolios for Assessment, Teaching and Learning

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This paper presents an innovative approach to e-learning by exploring a number of initiatives where there is a move towards collaborative use of Personal Development Plans (PDPs) integrated with e-portfolios as mechanisms for delivering such plans. It considers whether such a move towards more product orientated assessment might enhance student learning experiences. Outcome based assessment and the use of e-portfolios also implies that a course may be delivered in a blended learning format and whether this change of culture in the higher education sector has an impact on tutors' course delivery and students' learning. The transition towards collaborative use of e-portfolios is presented in this paper. It addresses specifically the development of the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and the use of e-portfolios and how collaborative e-learning is achieved at the School of Education, Social Work and Community Education (SESWCE) of the University of Dundee (UoD). This transition is eventually assessed by listening to students. Their views have supported the e-learning experience achieved at SESWCE. Opportunities have been generated for collaborative e-learning and it has allowed UoD to work towards the national targets in this particular field.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-30
JournalElectronic Journal of e-Learning
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2009

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