Co-creation of a step-by-step guide for specifying the test-management pathway to formulate focused guideline questions about healthcare related tests

Mariska K. Tuut*, Gowri Gopalakrishna, Mariska M. Leeflang, Patrick M. Bossuyt, Trudy van der Weijden, Jako S. Burgers, Miranda W. Langendam

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BackgroundGuideline development on testing is known to be difficult for guideline developers. It requires consideration of various aspects, such as accuracy, purpose of testing, and consequences on management and people-important outcomes. This can be outlined in a test-management pathway. We aimed to create and user-test a step-by-step guide for guideline developers for designing a test-management pathway.MethodsDevelopmental design with a co-creative strategy. We created a draft step-by-step guide, that was user tested in a workshop with 19 experts, and by interviewing 7 guideline panel members.ResultsOur proposed guide consists of five blocks of signalling questions: patients/population, index test(s), current practice/comparison/control, people-important outcomes, and the link between testing and outcome(s). The user testing led to refinement of the signalling questions, the use of inclusive terminology, and addition of a test-management pathway figure with detailed explanation.ConclusionsThe step-by-step guide for formulating focused guideline questions regarding healthcare related testing can help in identifying relevant characteristics of the population, tests, and outcomes and to create a test management pathway. This should facilitate the formulation of evidence-based guideline recommendations about healthcare related testing.
Original languageEnglish
Article number241
Number of pages8
JournalBMC Medical Research Methodology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 16 Oct 2024


  • Healthcare related testing
  • Guidelines
  • Methodology
  • Education in guideline methods
  • Guidance


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