Circulating cells as predictors of secondary manifestations of cardiovascular disease: design of the CIRCULATING CELLS study

Imo E. Hoefer*, Jan-Willem Sels, J. Wouter Jukema, Sandrin Bergheanu, Erik Biessen, Elizabeth McClellan, Mat Daemen, Pieter Doevendans, Philip de Groot, Marieke Hillaert, Sebastiaan Horsman, Mustafa Ilhan, Johan Kuiper, Nico Pijls, Ken Redekop, Peter van der Spek, Andrew Stubbs, Eric van de Veer, Johannes Waltenberger, Anton-Jan van ZonneveldGerard Pasterkamp

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Biomarkers for primary or secondary risk prediction of cardiovascular disease (CVD) are urgently needed to improve individual treatment and clinical trial design. The vast majority of biomarker discovery studies has concentrated on plasma/serum as an easily accessible source. Although numerous markers have been identified, their added predictive value on top of traditional risk factors has been limited, as the biological specimen does not specifically reflect expression profiles related with CVD progression and because the signal is often diluted by marker release from other organs. In contrast to serum markers, circulating cells serve as indicators of the actual disease state due to their active role in the pathogenesis of CVD and are responsible for the majority of secreted biomarkers. Therefore, the CIRCULATING CELLS study was initiated, focusing on the cellular effectors of atherosclerosis in the circulation. In total, 714 patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) symptoms were included. Blood cell fractions (monocytes, T-lymphocytes, platelets, granulocytes, PBMC) of all individual patients were isolated and stored for analysis. Concomitantly, extensive flow cytometric characterization of these populations was performed. From each patient, a detailed clinical profile together with extensive questionnaires about medical history and life style was obtained. Various high-throughput -omics approaches (protein, mRNA, miRNA) are currently being undertaken. Data will be integrated with advanced bioinformatics for discovery and validation of secondary risk markers for adverse events. Overall, the CIRCULATING CELLS study grants the interesting possibility that it will both identify novel biomarkers and provide useful insights into the pathophysiology of CAD in patients.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)847-856
JournalClinical research in cardiology
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2013


  • Study design
  • Biomarker
  • Risk prediction
  • Cardiovascular disease


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