Bilateral trade between India and Bangladesh: A general equilibrium approach

C. Sikdar*, T. ten Raa, P. Mohnen, D Chakraborty

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India and bangladesh have pursued policies of trade liberalization since the early 1990s. However, owing to the differential speeds of opening up, bangladesh's bilateral trade deficit with india widened substantially over the years. This aggravated the economic and the political tensions between the economies. It has been held that promotion of free trade between the two economies may enhance the trade and hence economic cooperation between them. Against this backdrop the present paper proposes a theoretical framework that provides a general equilibrium determination of the commodity pattern of trade and hence locates the comparative advantages of the economies. The empirical implementation of the model considers trade in 25 sectors comparable in the input–output tables of the economies. The study isolates the gains from free trade accruing to either economy. The paper also explores the pattern of bilateral trade when each economy produces goods by utilizing their own as well as the other country's technology. The gains from this trading arrangement are also isolated.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)257-280
JournalEconomic Systems Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2006


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