Because it is normative, stupid! Over de rol van politieke theorie binnen de politicologie

R. Pierik*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


This article presents a state-of-the-art description of political theory and analyses therole of political theory within the discipline of political science. It starts by describingtwo dominant approaches within the sub-discipline: conceptual political theory andnormative political theory. Secondly it situates political theory as separated from politicalscience in general and from actual political debates. Thirdly it analyses the role ofmethodology in normative political theory.I argue that the most important contribution of political theory to political science ingeneral is its emphasis on the fact that politics is first and foremost a normative endeavorand that any political-scientific analysis should always be aware of this normativecharacter.
Original languageDutch
Pages (from-to)9-29
Number of pages21
JournalRes Publica: Tijdschrift voor Politologie
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes

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