Atrial Premature Beats During Decrementally Conducting Antidromic Tachycardia

Eduardo Back Sternick*, Yash Lokhandwala, Carl Timmermans, Luiz Gerken, Frederico Soares, Liana Dias, Yan Huo, Gerhard Hindricks, Hein J. J. Wellens

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Background-Advancement of ventricular activation by an atrial premature beat (APB) given during His bundle refractoriness followed by resetting of an antidromic tachycardia (AT) in patients with decrementally conducting accessory pathway (DAP) is a helpful maneuver to prove pathway existence and participation in the circuit. We aim to assess in a large cohort the role of APB during AT in patients with a DAP. Methods and Results-Thirty-three patients with a DAP having 34 AT were included in the study: 29 patients had an atriofascicular pathway, 1 had a long atrioventricular DAP, and 4 had a short atrioventricular fiber. APBs were delivered initially from the lateral right atrium, scanning diastole with a 10-ms decrement until AT termination or refractoriness. We observed 4 patterns of response after APB during AT: advancement of activation (29 cases), delay (2), advancement followed by delay (3), and termination (7). Eight patients required an earlier APB to advance or delay ventricular activation. These 8 patients had a shorter AT cycle length (median of 273 versus 315 ms; P=0.003) and had a shorter resetting zone (median coupling interval of 30 versus 50 ms; P=0.01). Conclusions-APB delivered during AT in patients with a DAP advanced and/or delayed ventricular activation in all patients. In 1 of 5 of cases the AT was terminated by a single APB. In approximately a quarter of the patients an earlier coupled APB was needed to reset AT. The high RA was an adequate stimulation site in all right-sided DAP.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)357-363
JournalCirculation-Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2013


  • atriofascicular pathway
  • antidromic tachycardia
  • arrhythmia (mechanisms)
  • decremental conduction


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