Assessment of AMPK-Stimulated Cellular Long-Chain Fatty Acid and Glucose Uptake

Joannes Luiken, Dietbert Neumann, Jan Glatz, Will Coumans, Dipanjan Chanda, Miranda Nabben

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic

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Here we describe an assay for simultaneous measurement of cellular uptake rates of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) and glucose that can be applied to cells in suspension. The uptake assay includes the use of radiolabeled substrates at such concentrations and incubation periods that exact information is provided about unidirectional uptakes rates. Cellular uptake of both substrates is under regulation of AMPK. The underlying mechanism includes the translocation of LCFA and glucose transporters from intracellular membrane compartments to the cell surface, leading to an increase in substrate uptake. In this chapter, we explain the principles of the uptake assay before detailing the exact procedure. We also provide information of the specific LCFA and glucose transporters subject to AMPK-mediated subcellular translocation. Finally, we discuss the application of AMPK inhibitors and activators in combination with cellular substrate uptake assays.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAMPK Methods and Protocols
EditorsDieter Neumann, Benoit Viollet
PublisherHumana Press
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-4939-7598-3
ISBN (Print)978-1-4939-7597-6
Publication statusPublished - 2018

Publication series

SeriesMethods in Molecular Biology

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