Assessing nutritional status and nutrition-related knowledge, attitudes and practices of Albanian schoolchildren to support school food and nutrition policies and programmes

Jolanda Hyska, Genc Burazeri*, Valeria Menza, Eleonora Dupouy

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


In Albania, many children exhibit poor nutritional status, have unhealthy diets and inadequate physical activity. Yet, comprehensive studies on the nutritional status, food and nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) are largely non-existent for Albanian school-age children.

To fill these important gaps, a nationwide survey was conducted in Albania in 2017-2018 to assess the nutritional status and the nutrition-related KAP of Albanian school-aged children.

The study consisted of a nationally representative sample of 7578 Albanian schoolchildren from all regions of the country. In addition, 6810 parent questionnaires were collected, along with interviews with the directors of all involved schools, 311 teachers and 53 key informants representing local authorities in all districts of Albania. Data collection consisted of anthropometric measurements of children and structured questionnaires administered to children, their parents, teachers, school directors, and key informants.

The survey is unique in both the scope of the respondents involved, and in the breadth of content area covered, and as such, makes an important contribution not only to Albania, but also to the field of research in food, health and nutrition for school-age children.

This paper presents the preliminary findings from the KAP survey that will help influence policies for actionable advancement on the commitments and priorities of Albania to improve food security and nutrition. In particular, the study findings will support the development of a national school food and nutrition programme in Albania embedded into the local food system and the design of food and nutrition educational materials and campaigns to promote healthy diets and practices among both school-age children and the Albanian population.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101888
Number of pages10
JournalFood Policy
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2020


  • Albania
  • Children
  • Food
  • KAP survey
  • Nutrition
  • School nutrition program


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