Application of electrodeposited piezo-resistive polypyrrole for a pressure-sensitive bruxism sensor

Onno Akkermans, Mitch Spronck, Theo Kluskens, Fred Offerein, Ketie Saralidze, Jos Aarts, Pegah Keshaniyan, Erik Steen Redeker*, Hanne Dilien, Bart van Grinsven, Thomas J. Cleij

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This paper presents the application of the conducting polymer polypyrrole in a pressure sensitive sensor. Polypyrrole was electrodeposited on copper plates using phytic acid as a dopant and cross-linker. A combination of different polymerization durations and potentials were tested to find the polymerization conditions for thin polymer layers and homogenous surface coverage. The morphology of the surface of the polypyrrole films was examined with scanning electron microscopy to study the formation of hollow sphere beads. The polymer layers were sandwiched between two copper sheets to create pressure sensitive sensors and the piezo-resistive effect was tested. For this, increasing forces were applied to the sensors and the resistance was measured. It was found that the polypyrrole layers were pressure sensitive to pressures relevant for bruxism events and had a thickness that is suitable for application in a splint for the detection of awake bruxism. [GRAPHICS] An SEM image of polypyrrole hollow sphere beads at 20 kV and 1000x magnification.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1505-1509
JournalPhysica Status Solidi A-applications and Materials Science
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2016


  • awake bruxism
  • piezo-resistive effects
  • polypyrrole
  • pressure sensors


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