Antibiotikanutzung bei Menschen mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund: Wissen, Einstellungen und Interaktion mit ÄrztInnen und ApothekerInnen

Translated title of the contribution: Rational Use of Antibiotics Among Turkish Migrants In Germany: Knowledge, Attitudes and Interaction With Physicians and Pharmacists

F. Erdsiek*, T. Aksakal, H. Ozcebe, S. Uner, O.K. Caman, K. Czabanowska, O. Gershuni, R. Westerling, P. Brzoska

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review


ObjectivesDue to strong transnational ties, the use of and demand for antibiotics among Turkish migrants in Germany may be influenced by cultural aspects of antibiotic use in Turkey. Research on the use of antibiotics among Turkish migrants in Germany, however, is scarce. The aim of this study was to find out how Turkish migrants in Germany use antibiotics, whether and how knowledge, underlying motives and attitudes influence demand and how Turkish migrants interact with medical professionals. Materials and methodsUsing a qualitative approach, behavioural patterns and logic of action of adult Turkish migrants were identified. We carried out semi-structured focus group interviews with adults of Turkish origin residing in Germany and expert interviews with family physicians and pharmacists. The interviews were analysed by means of content analysis. ResultsWhile younger migrants had a generally positive, but cautious attitude towards the use of antibiotics, older migrants often showed exaggerated, unrealistic expectations resulting from a lack of factual knowledge. Overall, participants adopted a passive role in the patient-provider relationship. This led to a perpetuation of significant knowledge gaps. ConclusionsOlder Turkish migrants who have less factual knowledge show exaggerated expectations concerning the effectiveness of antibiotics. In conjunction with a passive patient role, resulting in information needs not being satisfied, this can affect the patient-provider relationship. A more active communication by physicians and information materials sensitive to the needs of migrants can positively influence the interaction between migrant patients and medical professionals.
Translated title of the contributionRational Use of Antibiotics Among Turkish Migrants In Germany: Knowledge, Attitudes and Interaction With Physicians and Pharmacists
Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)594-600
Number of pages7
JournalDas Gesundheitswesen
Issue number07
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2020


  • antibacterial agents
  • dutch
  • health-care
  • migration
  • older-people
  • participation
  • physician-patient relationship
  • qualitative research
  • Physician-patient relationship


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