Analytical quantification of aortic valve 18F-sodium fluoride PET uptake

D. Massera, M.K. Doris, S. Cadet, J. Kwiecinski, T.A. Pawade, F.E.C.M. Peeters, D. Dey, D.E. Newby, M.R. Dweck, P.J. Slomka*

*Corresponding author for this work

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Background Challenges to cardiac PET-CT include patient motion, prolonged image acquisition and a reduction of counts due to gating. We compared two analytical tools, FusionQuant and OsiriX, for quantification of gated cardiac 18F-sodium fluoride (18F-fluoride) PET-CT imaging. Methods Twenty-seven patients with aortic stenosis were included, 15 of whom underwent repeated imaging 4 weeks apart. Agreement between analytical tools and scan-rescan reproducibility was determined using the Bland-Altman method and Lin's concordance correlation coefficients (CCC). Results Image analysis was faster with FusionQuant [median time (IQR) 7:10 (6:40-8:20) minutes] compared with OsiriX [8:30 (8:00-10:10) minutes,p = .002]. Agreement of uptake measurements between programs was excellent, CCC = 0.972 (95% CI 0.949-0.995) for mean tissue-to-background ratio (TBRmean) and 0.981 (95% CI 0.965-0.997) for maximum tissue-to-background ratio (TBRmax). Mean noise decreased from 11.7% in the diastolic gate to 6.7% in motion-corrected images (p = .002); SNR increased from 25.41 to 41.13 (p = .0001). Aortic valve scan-rescan reproducibility for TBR(max)was improved with FusionQuant using motion correction compared to OsiriX (error +/- 36% vs +/- 13%,p < .001) while reproducibility for TBR(mean)was similar (+/- 10% vs +/- 8%p = .252). Conclusion 18F-fluoride PET quantification with FusionQuant and OsiriX is comparable. FusionQuant with motion correction offers advantages with respect to analysis time and reproducibility of TBR(max)values.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)962-972
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Nuclear Cardiology
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2020


  • atherosclerosis
  • calcification
  • cardiac motion
  • computed tomography
  • f-18-naf pet
  • positron emission tomography
  • positron-emission-tomography
  • valvular disease
  • F-18-NAF PET
  • Positron emission tomography


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