Alliances, acquisitions and multinational advantage

S.M. Lundan, J. Hagedoorn

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This paper reviews recent empirical evidence to assess the implications of alliance formation and increasing merger and acquisition activity of multinationals in the context of the eclectic paradigm. Specifically, the paper will concentrate on the performance implications of international expansion via alliances and mergers, and their relationship to the so-called asset-augmenting foreign direct investment. It has been argued in the literature that the way in which multinationals are able to build on their existing advantages and to add to them by virtue of their international activities confers specific benefits to multinationality. We argue that the growth of cross-border acquisitions and alliances as modalities for international expansion has resulted from the continuing convergence of value-adding capabilities within the triad, and while such activity can help to augment the asset base of the investing firms, it also has potentially anti-competitive implications.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)229-242
JournalInternational Journal of the Economics of Business
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2001


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