Alcohol policy in the Netherlands in a National Prevention Agreement: results of three studies

D. Van de Mheen, R. Bovens, R. Friele, I. Van de Goor*, N. Kools, R. Roodbeen, K. Schelleman-Offermans, A. Rozema

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalConference Abstract/Poster in journalAcademic


Introduction On 23 November 2018 in the Netherlands more than 70 organizations signed the National Prevention Agreement. This document had been set up by the Dutch government aiming to create a healthy generation in 2040. It focuses on alcohol, next to overweight and tobacco control. Participants are a.o. NGO's, the sports sector, insurance companies, municipalities but also the alcohol industry and retailers. Methods Three studies were performed aiming to map how alcohol use might be reduced. 30 days without alcohol: the IkPas (No Thanks) campaignAlcohol screening and interventions for patients in General HospitalsPrioritizing alcohol enforcement and prevention efforts by combining prevalence and success-rate for minors purchasing alcohol. Respectively a quantitative survey among adult alcohol users (n = 15.947), qualitative interviews among health professionals (n = 21), a quantitative survey among youngsters (n = 510) and purchase attempts (n = 1.373) of alcohol by mystery shoppers were performed. Results Beside on youth, in the Prevention Agreement priority has been laid on elderly, pregnant women, members and visitors of sports clubs and students. Also important are measures in primary and secondary health care and health policy in industrial companies. Measures are proposed in the field of the 'three best buys' (higher prices, lesser advertisement and restrictions in availability). The three studies showed that participants of the IkPas campaign feel fitter, sleep better, lose weight and drink less after 6 months follow-up. Furthermore, implementation of alcohol screening and interventions for patients in Dutch hospitals is still in its infancy. Lastly, bars/cafes/discos should be given priority for enforcement and prevention. Conclusions The question that will be discussed is whether the Netherlands by this agreement really do make a step forward in developing a healthy alcohol policy. Will the ambitious goals formulated in the agreement be reached in 2040? Key messages Alcohol policy measures are needed to reach a healthy population in 2040. Campaigns, screening and brief interventions, and alcohol enforcement are promising.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)V990-V990
Number of pages1
JournalEuropean Journal of Public Health
Issue numberS5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2020


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