Accuracy of intraocular lens calculations in eyes with keratoconus: Intraocular lens calculations in keratoconus

Mms Vandevenne*, Vsc Webers, Mhm Segers, Ttjm Berendschot, D Zadok, M M Dickman, Rmma Nuijts, A Abulafia

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PURPOSE: To compare the prediction accuracy of the Barrett True-K for keratoconus with standard formulas (SRK/T, Barrett Universal II, and Kane) and the Kane keratoconus formula. SETTING: Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel, and University Eye Clinic, Maastricht, the Netherlands. DESIGN: Multicenter retrospective case series. METHODS: Eyes with stable keratoconus undergoing cataract surgery were included. The predicted refractions were calculated for SRK/T, Barrett Universal II, Barrett True-K for keratoconus (predicted and measured), Kane, and Kane adjusted for keratoconus formulas. Primary outcomes were prediction error (PE), absolute error (AE), and percentage of eyes with PE ±0.25 diopters (D), ±0.50 D, and ±1.00 D. Subgroup analyses were performed based on the severity of the keratoconus. RESULTS: 57 eyes were included in the study. The PE was not significantly different from zero for SRK/T, Barrett True-K (predicted and measured), and Kane keratoconus formulas (range 0.09 to 0.22 D, P > .05). The AE of Barrett True-K predicted (median 0.14 D) and Barrett True-K measured (median 0.10 D) were significantly lower from Barrett Universal II (median 0.47 D) and Kane (median 0.50 D), P < .001. CONCLUSIONS: The Barrett True-K formulas for keratoconus had higher prediction accuracy as compared with new generation formulas and a similar prediction accuracy as compared with the Kane keratoconus formula.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)229-233
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
Issue number3
Early online date28 Oct 2022
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023

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