A Randomized Controlled Trial of Web-Based Attentional Bias Modification to Help Smokers Quit

Iman Elfeddali*, Hein de Vries, Catherine Bolman, Thomas Pronk, Reinout W. Wiers

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Objective: To assess the efficacy of a multiple-sessions Web-based Attentional Bias Modification (ABM) self-help intervention in 434 smokers who made a quit-attempt. Method: Respondents were randomized to receive 6 sessions of ABM-or placebo-training in a period of 2 weeks. Smoking-related cognitions (e. g., self-efficacy and intention to quit) and cognitive biases (i. e., attentional and approach bias) for smoking-cues were assessed before training (pretest). Primary outcome-variable was continued abstinence, 6 months after baseline. Bias reduction at the posttraining assessment was the secondary outcome. A 2 x 2 mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) and logistic regression analyses were conducted using the whole sample (N = 434) as well as subsamples of light to moderate smokers (
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)870-880
JournalHealth Psychology
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2016


  • smoking cessation
  • relapse prevention
  • attentional bias modification
  • implicit cognitive processes


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