A Quantum Approach for Tactical Capacity Management of Distributed Electricity Generation

Frank Phillipson, Irina Chiscop

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingAcademicpeer-review


Matching electricity demand and supply by decentralised generators will be very important in the near future, where more and more electricity has to be produced sustainably. Optimisation problems that address this problem often have quadratic objective functions or constraints, due to the quadratic nature of energy loss. Where classical solvers struggle with quadratic, often integer or binary, optimisation problems, quantum computing (inspired) solvers are well equipped for this kind of problems. In this paper, we present such an optimisation problem and the performance of the quantum annealer in solving this problem, in comparison with classical methods and commercial solvers. We show that the hybrid, quantum-classical, solvers provided by D-Wave can outperform classical solvers despite the small-scale of the available quantum hardware.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInnovations for Community Services
Subtitle of host publication22nd International Conference, I4CS 2022 Delft, The Netherlands, June 13-15, 2022 Proceedings
EditorsFrank Philipson, Gerald Eichler, Christian Erfurth, Günter Fahrnberger
PublisherSpringer, Cham
ISBN (Print)978-3-031-06667-2
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Publication series

SeriesCommunications in Computer and Information Science


  • hybrid quantum computing
  • smart energy and home control
  • tactical planning
  • distributed electricity generation


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