title = "A decision-making framework based on knowledge criteria for network partner selection",
abstract = "In a complex project, an organization is often not able to manage all aspects alone, since it does not have all the required competences, skills or resources. In this case, alliance formation can be a solution for project development. Apart from simply managing complex projects, firms also find it important to increase innovativeness by sharing knowledge between partners in alliances. However, in alliances one of the difficulties is achieving effective collaboration: mis-communication, missing skills or missing resources create a high risk that the project fails to achieve its goals. In order to decrease the risk of failure, and to overcome potential collaboration inefficiency, partner selection takes place among firms that are able to communicate well while at the same time having the required knowledge to achieve their objectives. The important role of partner selection in alliances justifies the increased attention given to substantial criteria in alliance formation. Proposing a knowledge-based framework aimed at increasing the understanding of partner selection in alliances is the contribution of this paper. This knowledge can be gained by evaluating projects from a technological point of view to estimate their challenging degrees, and studying the partners background in past projects or partnerships. This paper structured to propose hypotheses based on a systematic literature review. At the heart of the hypotheses is a consideration of the needs of the project, and starting there allows us to characterize alliance formation and partner selection using a new typology. Finally, a novel framework is proposed that could help decision-makers in the managerial aspects of partner selection in alliance formation. The framework also presents considerable potential for future studies.",
keywords = "Alliances, decision making, innovation, partner selection, risk management, Complex networks, Knowledge based systems, Risk management, Alliance formation, Decision-making frameworks, Knowledge based framework, Managerial aspects, Partner selection, Project development, Systematic literature review, Decision making",
author = "M. Vaez-Alaei and I. Deniaud and F. Marmier and D. Gourc and R. Cowan and Zheng F. and Chu F. and Liu M.",
note = "Conference code: 156681 Export Date: 13 March 2020 Funding details: European Commission, EC Funding text 1: This study is a part of the project KAAT (Knowledge Alliance in Air Transport), which is under the support of the Erasmus and European Union. We have to express our appreciation to the all industrial partners of the project for their implication in the project. 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year = "2019",
doi = "10.1109/IESM45758.2019.8948210",
language = "English",