Gekkenwerk. De Ontwikkeling van het Beroep Psychiatrisch Verpleegkundige in Nederland 1830-1980

G.J.C. aan de Stegge

Research output: ThesisDoctoral ThesisInternal


This historical dissertation describes the development of the profession ‘psychiatric nurse’ in the Netherlands between 1830 and 1980, including the early rise of socio-psychiatric nursing. All handbooks that were published before 1980 are discussed, as well as the legal and regulatory framework regarding the profession and the numbers of psychiatric health professional. Moreover, former nurses speak about their training en how they approached psychiatric patients, particularly concerning matters of sexuality, means of coercion and suicide. The author explains why psychiatric nursing has often been associated with illiteracy or poverty and proves that psychiatric nurses (as well as psychiatrists) have contributed remarkably much to the emancipation of nursing at large.

Realized with financial support and/or guarantee of 5 mental health care institutions (Dimence, GGNet, Mondriaan, Parnassia Bavo Group and Pro Persona); the Congregation of the Friars of Our Lady of Lourdes ( Friars of Dongen); the Dolhuys; City of Deventer; Ruud Hirdes; NWO; Training institute for Nursing Specialist in Mental Health Care; UM and the J.E. Jurriaanse Foundation. Furthermore many private persons subscribed for the book beforehand. Most of them will collect their book on the day of the defence.
Original languageDutch
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • Maastricht University
  • Labrie, Arnold, Supervisor
  • Gijswijt-Hofstra, Prof. dr. M., Supervisor, External person
  • Oosterhuis, Harry, Co-Supervisor
Award date16 Mar 2012
Place of PublicationMaastricht
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2012


  • psychiatric nurse
  • history

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