Suma Cum Laude (Sobresaliente Cum Laude)

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)Academic


According to article 14 of the Spanish "Real Decreto 99/2011, of January 28" (, SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE Is the maximal grade awarded to a thesis in Spain when the overall grade is outstanding and a unanimous positive secret vote is cast in this regard. The equivalent in latin is SUMA CUM LAUDE. This award is stated in the front page of the Doctor Title and an International Tribunal granted it in a secrete vote. The members of the tribunal are Kees van Raad (Netherlands), Jacques Malherbe (Belgium), Manuel Pires (Portugal), Maria Teresa Soler Roch (Spain), Angeles García Frías (Spain).

According to the Real Decreto 99/2011 above mentioned:
Article 14. Assessment and defence of the doctoral thesis.
7. The examining board will issue a report and the overall grade awarded to the thesis according to the following scale: Fail, pass, pass, notable and outstanding (No apto, aprobado, notable y sobresaliente).
The examining board may award the mention of cum laude if the overall grade is outstanding and a unanimous positive secret vote is cast in this regard.

Original in Spanish:
Artículo 14. Evaluación y defensa de la tesis doctoral.
7. El tribunal emitirá un informe y la calificación global concedida a la tesis de acuerdo con la siguiente escala: No apto, aprobado, notable y sobresaliente.
El tribunal podrá otorgar la mención de cum laude si la calificación global es de sobresaliente y se emite en tal sentido el voto secreto positivo por unanimidad.
Degree of recognitionInternational
Granting OrganisationsUniversidad de Salamanca