EDLAB Education Research Grant: Creative AI-Proof Assessments

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)Academic


Creative AI-Proof Assessments is an EDLAB-funded project that aims to shed light on the issue of AI in assessment. Student use of AI has increased, as has directives (e.g. from the BOE, programme directors) asking educators to find ways to deal with use of AI in their courses. However, educators do not always know where to start. While colleagues around us are implementing creative AI-proof pedagogies, these innovations are not easily findable. People often find them by chance or know of them through direct involvement in the courses.

We aim to co-create with educators a unified, interactive online ‘toolkit’ that collates successful examples of how UM colleagues AI-proofed their assessments. This will be a practical resource for other staff wondering how to re-design their assessments in response to AI, as well as a tool to inspire continued education innovation by spotlighting creative ways UM educators had addressed AI. Based on the toolkit, the team would also develop a series of workshops on AI and education (to be embedded in the UM CPD offerings and/or the UTQ), and a policy brief. The project is guided by the following research questions: How can we (re-) design assessments to address the changing technological landscape? How effective are these redesigns? (Data collection is ongoing.)

Value of the grant: 10,000 Euros
Timeline: August 2024 - August 2025
Granting OrganisationsEDLAB, Netherlands
