2019/2020 CERiM Communicating Europe Award for Research-Teaching Integration

Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)Academic


Awarded to Afke Groen and myself for our work on the FASoS Teaching & Learning Blog. The FASoS Teaching & Learning Blog offers teaching staff a platform for the exchange of ideas, best practices and opinions. Published posts discuss particular challenges and situations in problem-based learning, novel ways of student assessment, interactive lecturing, online teaching and learning and so on. Contributors include both FASoS and non-FASoS staff. The FASoS Teaching & Learning Blog was set up by Patrick Bijsmans and Afke Groen in early 2018. They edited the blog together until early 2020, when Afke took on a new job at the Hans van Mierlo Stichting in the Hague. Since March 2020 the blog is curated and edited by Patrick, together with Diede Diederiks and Mirko Reithler.
Granting OrganisationsCERiM - Centre for European Research in Maastricht
