6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Roberta Haar with the persons below:
Nele Marianne Ewers-Peters
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Political Science - Assistant Professor
- Politics and Culture in Europe
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Birsen Erdogan
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Nicola Bilotta
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Sophie Vanhoonacker
- Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Political Science - Full professor - Key domain chair
- CERiM - Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences
- Studio Europa Maastricht | Faculty of Arts and Social Science
- Politics and Culture in Europe - Professor
- Research School for Public Administration and Political Science (NIG) - Professor
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Hengyi Yang
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, University College Maastricht - PhD
- University College Maastricht
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Siyuan Qiao
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, University College Maastricht - PhD
- University College Maastricht
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff