6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Kim Tijssen with the persons below:
Martin van Boxtel
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Psychiatrie & Neuropsychologie - Associate Professor
- Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Section Neuropsychology - Associate Professor
- Neuropsychology - Associate Professor
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, External company - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Nicole de la Haye
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Kindergeneeskunde - Teacher
- MA Medische Staf Kindergeneeskunde - Medical Specialist
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Nina van Lier
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Creating Value-Based Health Care - PhD
- CAPHRI - Creating Value-Based Health Care
- MHeNs - Mental Health
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Justina Lugenbühl
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Psychiatrie & Neuropsychologie - PhD
- MHeNs - Neuroscience
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Husam Salamah
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Jacqueline Strik
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Psychiatrie & Neuropsychologie - Endowed chair - Professor of practice
- MA Med Staf Spec Psychiatrie - Medical Specialist
- MHeNs - Mental Health
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM