Activities per year
- 16 results
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Enforcing European environmental law from below: the case of the post-Seveso directives
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker) & van Zon, K. (Speaker)
9 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
De waardering van de Grondwet: een historisch perspectief
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
2 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Professional
Early mobilizations of European law in the 1960s Netherlands: challenging the democratic compromise
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
1 Jul 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Building the international legal order from below. National courts, international law and the judicialization of politics in the interwar Netherlands
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
24 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Representing the interests of the small nations? Bernard Loder and Dutch ideas on establishing a World Court, 1920-1922
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
17 Jun 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
International Law Meets the League of Nations: The Formation of a Transnational Field of International Law
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
30 Nov 2021Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Rights for others, firing back? Postcolonial arrangements and the domestic constitutional order in the 1950s Netherlands
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
14 Oct 2021Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Paving the road to ‘legal revolution’: the making of the Bosch (1962) and Van Gend en Loos (1963) preliminary rulings
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
11 Oct 2021Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Coping with treaty reforms. The changes in the Legal Service from the Delors Commission (1985) to the fall of the Santer Commission (1999)
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
18 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Promoting a 'common international concept' of international law. The Hague Academy and international law teaching, 1923-1940
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
14 Jun 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Mejuffrouw H.J.D Revers en het discriminatieverbod in de grondwet
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
26 Oct 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Popular
Promoting the general interest in international law? Joost Adriaan van Hamel and the early years of the League of Nation’s Legal Section (1919-1925)
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker) & Rasmussen, M. (Speaker)
26 Oct 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
The legal service
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
25 Oct 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Professional
Versailles als keerpunt. De ontwikkeling van een ‘nieuw systeem van internationaal recht’
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
29 Nov 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
The Contribution of Dutch Social-Democracy to European Competition Law. Pieter Verloren van Themaat, DG Competition of the European Commission (1958-1965)
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
23 May 2019Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Land of Grotius or country of Don Quixote? Images of the Netherlands as a small state in debates on international law in the early 20th century
van Leeuwen, K. (Speaker)
28 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic