Miranda Schram
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht Studie - Full professor - Specialised remit
- HVC Pieken Maastricht Studie - Researcher (MUMC)
- MHeNs - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Pieter Dagnelie
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht Studie - Researcher
- CAPHRI - Optimising Patient Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Carla van der Kallen
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht Studie - Assistant Professor
- Carim - Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Ronald Henry
- CAKZ Medische afdeling SEH - UMS
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, General Internal Medicine - Assistant Professor
- MA Alg Interne Geneeskunde - Medical Specialist
- Carim - Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Simone Eussen
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Epidemiologie - Associate Professor
- CAPHRI - Optimising Patient Care
- Carim - Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Hans Bosma
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Sociale Geneeskunde - Full professor - Personal chair
- CAPHRI - Health Inequities and Societal Participation
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Hans Savelberg
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Nutrition and Movement Sciences - Full professor - Personal chair
- SHE - School of Health Professions Education
- NUTRIM - Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular health
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Simone Sep
Person: External company - Academic Staff
Sebastian Köhler
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Psychology 5 - Full professor - Specialised remit
- MHeNs - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Marleen van Greevenbroek
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Lab Internal Medicine - Associate Professor
- Carim - Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Bram Kroon
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, General Internal Medicine - Full professor - Personal chair
- MA Alg Interne Geneeskunde - Medical Specialist
- Carim - Hypertension and target organ damage
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Anke Wesselius
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Epidemiologie - Assistant Professor
- NUTRIM - Respiratory & Age-related Health
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Martin van Boxtel
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Psychiatrie & Neuropsychologie - Associate Professor
- Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Section Neuropsychology - Associate Professor
- Neuropsychology - Associate Professor
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, External company - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Casper Schalkwijk
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Lab Internal Medicine - Full professor - Personal chair
- Carim - Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Tos Berendschot
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Oogheelkunde - Teacher
- MA UECM Onderzoekers - Researcher (MUMC)
- NUTRIM - Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular health
- MHeNs - Neuroscience
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Boy Houben, Ph.D.
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Lab Internal Medicine - Associate Professor
- Carim - Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Bastiaan de Galan
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Endocrinology - Full professor - Personal chair
- MA Endocrinologie - Medical Specialist
- Carim - Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Frans Verhey
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Psychiatrie & Neuropsychologie - Advisor
- MHeNs - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Jaap Jansen, Ph.D.
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Beeldvorming - Full professor - Personal chair
- DA BV Research - Researcher (MUMC)
- MHeNs - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Thomas van Sloten
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Jeroen Albers
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Sociale Geneeskunde - PhD
- CAPHRI - Health Inequities and Societal Participation
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Walter Backes
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Beeldvorming - Full professor - Personal chair
- DA BV Klinisch Fysicus - Clinical physicist/chemist
- MHeNs - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Koen Reesink
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Biomedische Technologie - Associate Professor
- CARIM - Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht
- Carim - Cardiovascular System Dynamics
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Bengi Sezer
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Sociale Geneeskunde - PhD
- CAPHRI - Health Inequities and Societal Participation
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Carroll Webers
- University Eye Center Maastricht - HH / A
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Oogheelkunde - Full professor - Key domain chair
- MHeNs - Neuroscience
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Joop van den Bergh
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Reumatology - Full professor - Personal chair
- NUTRIM - Respiratory & Age-related Health
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Rachelle Meisters
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Sociale Geneeskunde - Researcher
- CAPHRI - Health Inequities and Societal Participation
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Nicole Dukers
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Health promotion - Associate Professor
- CAPHRI - Promoting Health & Personalised Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Jeroen Kooman
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Nefrology - Full professor - Personal chair
- MA Nefrologie - Medical Specialist
- NUTRIM - Respiratory & Age-related Health
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Martijn Brouwers
- MA Endocrinologie - H/MS
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Endocrinology - Full professor - Personal chair
- Carim - Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Jeffrey Chan
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Sociale Geneeskunde - PhD
- CAPHRI - Health Inequities and Societal Participation
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Chang Sun
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Institute of Data Science - Assistant Professor
- Institute of Data Science
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Johan van Soest
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Institute for Digital Smart Society - Assistant Professor
- BISS-Brightlands Institute for Smart Society
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Michel Dumontier
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Institute of Data Science - Full professor - Distinguished chair
- Studio Europa Maastricht | Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Institute of Data Science - Professor
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Joost de Jong
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Beeldvorming - Researcher
- DA BV Research - Researcher (MUMC), Engineer Imaging
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Academic Staff azM-UMC
Evelien Vandercappellen
- MA Med Staf Artsass Interne Geneeskunde - PhD MUMC+
- MA Med Staf Artsass Cardiologie - PhD MUMC+
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee
Yannick Nielen
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Clinical Pharmacy - Assistant Professor
- Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, Section Psychopharmacology - Teacher
- DA KFT Medische Staf - Hospital Pharmacist
- Psychopharmacology - Teacher
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, External company - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM, Academic Staff azM-UMC
Annelies Boonen
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Reumatology - Full professor - Key domain chair
- MA Reumatologie - Medical Specialist
- CAPHRI - Functioning, Participating and Rehabilitation
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Andre Dekker
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Clinical Data Science - Full professor - Personal chair
- BISS-Brightlands Institute for Smart Society
- GROW - Basic and Translational Cancer Biology
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Paul Savelkoul
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Med Microbiol, Infect Dis & Infect Prev - Full professor - Key domain chair
- DA Medische Microbiologie en Infectieziekten - HH / A
- NUTRIM - Liver and digestive health
- CAPHRI - Health Inequities and Societal Participation
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Annemariek Driessen
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Clinical Pharmacy - Researcher
- Carim - Critical cardiovascular care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Christian Hoebe, M.D.
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Sociale Geneeskunde - Full professor - Key domain chair
- CAPHRI - Health Inequities and Societal Participation
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Stef Kremers
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Health promotion - Full professor - Key domain chair
- NUTRIM - Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular health
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Franciscus van der Sande
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Nefrology - Associate Professor
- Carim - Hypertension and target organ damage
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Silke Metzelthin, MSc.
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Ageing and Long-Term Care - Associate Professor
- CAPHRI - Ageing and Long-Term Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Connie Drosinou
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, University College Venlo - Teacher
- Interfacultair Onderwijs Instituut Campus Venlo
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Paul Willems
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Nutrition and Movement Sciences - Education and Research Technician – O pr
- NUTRIM - Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular health
Person: Paid Staff - Support Staff
Otto Bekers
- DA CDL - HH / A
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Central Diagnostic Lab - Full professor - Personal chair
- NUTRIM - Respiratory & Age-related Health
- Carim - Blood proteins & engineering
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Henricus van Rossum
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Ageing and Long-Term Care - Researcher
- CAPHRI - Ageing and Long-Term Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Eline van Roekel
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Epidemiologie - Assistant Professor
- GROW - Prevention
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Geert Dinant
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Family Medicine - Emeritus Professor
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Maryska Janssen - Heijnen
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Epidemiologie - Endowed chair - Affiliated chair
- GROW - Prevention
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Werner Mess
- HZC Klinische Neurofysiologie - HH / A
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Klinische Neurowetenschappen - Full professor - Personal chair
- Carim - Imaging
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Eline Kooi
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Beeldvorming - Full professor - Personal chair
- DA BV Klinisch Fysicus - Clinical physicist/chemist
- NUTRIM - Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular health
- Carim - Imaging
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
David Townend
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Metamedica - Associate Professor
- Institute for Globalisation and International Regulation
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Harry Gosker
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Pulmonologie - Associate Professor
- NUTRIM - Respiratory & Age-related Health
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Arianne Elissen, MSc.
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Health Services Research - Associate Professor
- CAPHRI - Creating Value-Based Health Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Silvia Evers
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Health Services Research - Full professor - Personal chair
- CAPHRI - Care and Public Health Research Institute
- CAPHRI - Creating Value-Based Health Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Jens Soeterboek
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Birgit Wouters
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Metamedica - PhD
- Institute of Data Science
- CAPHRI - Health Inequities and Societal Participation
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Marvin Chong
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Epidemiologie - PhD
- Carim - Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Matthijs Hesselink
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Nutrition and Movement Sciences - Full professor - Personal chair
- NUTRIM - Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular health
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Matty Weijenberg, Ph.D.
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Epidemiologie - Full professor - Personal chair
- GROW - Prevention
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Demi Pagen
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Sociale Geneeskunde - PhD
- CAPHRI - Health Inequities and Societal Participation
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Hans-Peter Brunner-LaRocca
- MA Cardiologie - H/MS
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Structural heart failure - Full professor - Personal chair
- Carim - Cardiomyopathy
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Annemie Schols
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences - Dean
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Pulmonologie - Full professor - Personal chair
- NUTRIM - Respiratory & Age-related Health
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
William van Doorn
- DA CDL Algemeen - Clinical Chemist in training
- Carim - Blood proteins & engineering
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee
Kay Deckers, Ph.D.
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Psychology 2 - Assistant Professor
- MHeNs - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Sara Mokhtar
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Centrum voor data en informatiemanagement - Education-/Research Officer
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Cindy Sarodnik
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Reumatology - PhD
- MA AIOS Psychiatrie - PhD MUMC+
- MA Reumatologie - PhD MUMC+
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Martijn Bours
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Epidemiologie - Associate Professor
- GROW - Prevention
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Steven Meex
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Biochemie - Researcher
- DA CDL Algemeen - Clinical physicist/chemist
- Carim - Blood proteins & engineering
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Stéphanie Breukink
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Surgery - Associate Professor
- MA Heelkunde - Medical Specialist
- NUTRIM - Liver and digestive health
- GROW - Innovative Cancer Diagnostics & Therapy
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Mickaël Hiligsmann
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Health Services Research - Associate Professor
- CAPHRI - Creating Value-Based Health Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Marjan van den Akker
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Family Medicine - Associate Professor
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Inge Houkes, Ph.D.
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Sociale Geneeskunde - Associate Professor
- CAPHRI - Health Inequities and Societal Participation
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Nadia Sutedja
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Klinische Neurowetenschappen - Teacher
- HZC Med Staf Spec Klinische Neurofys - Medical Specialist
- MHeNs - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Hein de Vries
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Health promotion - Emeritus Professor
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Mark Janssen
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Klinische Neurowetenschappen - Associate Professor
- HZC Med Staf Spec Klinische Neurofys - Medical Specialist
- MHeNs - Neuroscience
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Jordi Heijman
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Complex arrhythmias - Associate Professor
- Carim - Clinical atrial fibrillation
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Lucas van Loon
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Humane Biologie - Full professor - Personal chair
- NUTRIM - Respiratory & Age-related Health
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Mike van Heumen
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Jos Adam
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Nutrition and Movement Sciences - Associate Professor
- NUTRIM - Institute of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Manuela Joore
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, KEMTA - Full professor - Personal chair
- CAPHRI - Creating Value-Based Health Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Seun Adekunle
- ICTS ORE-Research - ICT Manager
- Institute of Data Science
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - Support Staff
Jurriaan Hodzelmans
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Monideepa Gupta
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Eleonore (Leo) Köhler
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Anatomie & Embryologie - Full professor - Personal chair
- SHE - School of Health Professions Education
- NUTRIM - Liver and digestive health
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Zhewen Ren
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Dirk Ruwaard
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Health Services Research - Full professor - Key domain chair
- CAPHRI - Creating Value-Based Health Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Rudy Nuijts
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Oogheelkunde - Full professor - Personal chair
- MA UECM Oogartsen ACRC - Medical Specialist
- MA UECM Oogartsen ZL - Medical Specialist
- MA UECM Oogartsen MUMC - Medical Specialist
- MHeNs - Neuroscience
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Sandrine Bours
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Reumatology - Teacher
- MA Reumatologie - Medical Specialist
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Judith Meijers
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Ageing and Long-Term Care - Associate Professor
- CAPHRI - Ageing and Long-Term Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Paul Hofman
- MHeNs - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
- CAPHRI - Health Inequities and Societal Participation
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Faculteit FHML Centraal - Researcher
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Maria Jansen
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Health Services Research - Emeritus Professor
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Gerard van Breukelen
- Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, FPN Methodologie & Statistiek - Full professor - Key domain chair
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, FHML Methodologie & Statistiek - Full professor - Key domain chair
- Methodology & Statistics - Professor
- CAPHRI - Promoting Health & Personalised Care
- CAPHRI - Ageing and Long-Term Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Koen Frenken
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Ree Meertens
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Health promotion - Associate Professor
- NUTRIM - Obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular health
- CAPHRI - Promoting Health & Personalised Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Esther Kornips
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Nutrition and Movement Sciences
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Humane Biologie - Education-/Research Officer
- NUTRIM - Respiratory & Age-related Health
Person: Paid Staff - Support Staff
Leen Heyens
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Gastroenterology-Hepatology - PhD
- NUTRIM - Liver and digestive health
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Marlies Gijs
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Oogheelkunde - Assistant Professor
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Magdalena Beran
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Lab Internal Medicine - Researcher
- Carim - Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Ger Koek
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Gastroenterology-Hepatology - Associate Professor
- MA Maag Darm Lever - Medical Specialist
- NUTRIM - Liver and digestive health
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
J. M. P. G. M. de Vos-Geelen
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Oncology - Assistant Professor
- MA Medische Oncologie - Medical Specialist
- GROW - Innovative Cancer Diagnostics & Therapy
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Irene Heger
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Psychology 2 - Researcher
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Martine Hulsbosch
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Onderwijsinstituut FHML - Onderwijszaken - Education-/Research Officer
Person: Paid Staff - Support Staff
Jos Schols
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Health Services Research - Professor, Emeritus Professor
- CAPHRI - Ageing and Long-Term Care
- MHeNs - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
I Steens
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Endocrinology - PhD
- Carim - Vascular complications of diabetes and metabolic syndrome
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Dorijn Hertroijs
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Health Services Research - Assistant Professor
- CAPHRI - Creating Value-Based Health Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Kenneth Meijer
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Nutrition and Movement Sciences - Full professor - Specialised remit
- NUTRIM - Respiratory & Age-related Health
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Veerle van Hulten
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Bjorn Winkens
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, FHML Methodologie & Statistiek - Associate Professor
- CAPHRI - Care and Public Health Research Institute
- CAPHRI - Promoting Health & Personalised Care
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Nathan de Jong
Person: Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Jean Scheijen
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Lab Internal Medicine - Researcher
- MA Alg Onderzoek Interne Geneeskunde - Researcher (MUMC)
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, External company - Academic Staff
Sander van Kuijk
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, KEMTA - Associate Professor
- KIO Kemta - Researcher (MUMC)
- CAPHRI - Creating Value-Based Health Care
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff
Ilja Arts, Ph.D.
- Faculty of Science and Engineering, Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology - Full professor - Key domain chair
- MaCSBio | Faculty of Science and Engineering
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Danny Hilkman
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Klinische Neurowetenschappen - Teacher
- HZC Med Staf Spec Klinische Neurofys - Medical Specialist
- MHeNs - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience
Person: Paid Staff - azM-employee, Unpaid Staff - Academic Staff AZM
Angelique de Rijk
- Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Sociale Geneeskunde - Full professor - Personal chair
- CAPHRI - Health Inequities and Societal Participation
Person: Paid Staff - Academic Staff
Tamara B. Harris
- NIH, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA), Lab Epidemiol & Populat Sci, NIA, Intramural Res Program
- Natl Inst Aging, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA), NIH, Lab Epidemiol Demog & Biometry
- NIA, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA), Lab Epidemiol Demog & Biometry
External person
Vilmundur Gudnason
- Univ Iceland, University of Iceland, Fac Med
- Univ Iceland, University of Iceland, Sch Hlth Sci, Fac Med
- Univ Akureyri, Fac Educ
- Iceland Heart Assoc, Icelandic Heart Association
- Iceland Heart Assoc, Kopavogur, Iceland
External person
Emmanuel Stamatakis
- Univ Sydney, Charles Perkins Ctr, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
- Univ Sydney, University of Sydney, Sch Hlth Sci, Charles Perkins Ctr
External person
Jeroen Lakerveld
External person
Sari Stenholm
- Turku Univ Hosp, University of Turku
- Univ Turku, University of Turku, Ctr Populat Hlth Res
External person
Paolo Caserotti
- Univ Southern Denmark, University of Southern Denmark, Dept Sports Sci & Clin Biomech, Res Unit Act Living
- Univ Southern Denmark, University of Southern Denmark, Inst Sports Sci & Clin Biomech
External person
Anne B Newman
- Univ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Commonwealth System of Higher Education (PCSHE), University of Pittsburgh, Sch Med, Div Geriatr Med
External person
Kong Y. Chen
- NIDDK, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), Diabet Endocrinol & Obes Branch
- Natl Inst Diabet & Digest & Kidney Dis, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), Diabet Endocrinol & Obes Branch
External person
Mark Hamer
- Loughborough Univ Technol, Sch Sport Exercise & Hlth Sci, Loughborough, Leics, England
- UCL, University of London, University College London, Inst Sport Exercise & Hlth, Div Surg & Intervent Sci
External person
Stephen B Kritchevsky
- Wake Forest Sch Med, Wake Forest University, Sticht Ctr Aging
- Wake Forest Sch Med, Wake Forest University, Sticht Ctr Hlth Aging & Alzheimers Prevent
External person
Andreas Holtermann
External person
G. Eiriksdottir
External person
Gudny Eiriksdottir
- Iceland Heart Assoc
- Icelandic Heart Assoc
- Iceland Heart Assoc, Icelandic Heart Association
External person
Marjolein Visser
- Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC, Coronel Inst Occupat Hlth, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst
External person
Robert J. Brychta
- NIDDK, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), Diabet Endocrinol & Obes Branch
- Natl Inst Diabet & Digest & Kidney Dis, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Institute of Diabetes & Digestive & Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), Diabet Endocrinol & Obes Branch
External person
Eleanor M Simonsick
- NIA, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA), Expt Gerontol Sect, Translat Gerontol Branch, NIH
External person
Vegar Rangul
External person
Ulf Ekelund
- Norwegian Sch Sport Sci, Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Dept Sports Med
External person
Lenore J. Launer
- NIH, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA), Lab Epidemiol & Populat Sci, NIA, Intramural Res Program
- Univ Washington, University of Washington Seattle, University of Washington, Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol
- Natl Inst Aging, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA), NIH, Lab Epidemiol Demog & Biometry
- NIEHS, NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH
External person
Suzanne Satterfield
External person
Dane Van Domelen
- Emory Univ, Emory University, Rollins Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Biostat & Bioinformat
- Emory Univ, Emory University, Rollins School Public Health, Rollins Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Biostat & Bioinformat
External person
P. Caserotti
External person
Brenda W. J. H. Penninx
- GGZ inGeest
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dept Psychiat
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Neurosci Campus Amsterdam, Med Ctr, Dept Psychiat
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dept Anat & Neurosci, Amsterdam Neurosci, Amsterdam UMC
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dept Biol Psychol
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, VU UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, Dept Psychiat
- GGZ InGeest, Mental Hlth Inst
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Med Ctr, EMGO Inst Hlth & Care Res & Neurosci Campus Amste, Department Psychiat
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Med Ctr GGZ InGeest, Dept Psychiat
- GGZ InGeest Specialized Mental Hlth Care, Early Intervent Psychosis Team
External person
Andrew J Atkin
External person
Charles E. Matthews
External person
R.J. Brychta
External person
I-Min Lee
- Harvard Med Sch, Harvard University, Longwood Urol
- Harvard TH Chan Sch Publ Hlth, Harvard University, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Dept Epidemiol
- Harvard Med Sch, Harvard University, Harvard Medical School, Dept Psychiat
- Harvard Med Sch, Harvard University, Brigham & Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Brigham & Womens Hosp, Div Prevent Med
External person
Elsa S Strotmeyer
- Univ Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Commonwealth System of Higher Education (PCSHE), Grad Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol
External person
S.B. Kritchevsky
External person
K.Y. Chen
External person
David Berrigan
External person
R.A. Murphy
External person
Nancy W. Glynn
- Univ Pittsburgh, Grad Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol, Ctr Aging & Populat Hlth, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA
External person
Andrea Amerio
- Tufts Med Ctr, Tufts Medical Center, Mood Disorders Program
- Tufts University
- University of Genoa
External person
Erlingur Johannsson
- Western Norway Univ Appl Sci, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Dept Sport & Phys Act
External person
Frans Pouwer
- Tilburg University
- Univ Southern Denmark, University of Southern Denmark, Dept Psychol
- Odense Univ Hosp, Odense University Hospital, Steno Diabet Ctr Odense
- Deakin Univ, Deakin University, Sch Psychol
External person
T. Harris
External person
S. Sigurdsson
External person
Carlo Signorelli
- Univ Vita Salute San Raffaele, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Sch Publ Hlth Igiene & Med Prevent
- Univ Pavia, University of Pavia, Acad Lombarda Sanita Pubbl, Consorzio Pavese Studi Post Univ, Unit Forens Med & Forens Sci,Dept Public Hlth Exp
- Univ Vita Salute San Raffaele, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Publ Hlth Post Grad Sch
- Vita-Salute San Raffaele University
External person
Nidhi Gupta
External person
Hilsa N Ayonayon
External person
Anna Pulakka
- Turku Univ Hosp, University of Turku
- Finnish Inst Hlth & Welf, Publ Hlth Promot Unit
External person
Susan M Rubin
External person
Erik J. Timmermans
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Med Ctr, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst, Amsterdam UMC,Dept Epidemiol & Biostat
External person
Paul Jarle Mork
- Norway Univ Sci & Technol NTNU, Dept Publ Hlth & Nursing, Trondheim, Norway
External person
K.V. Patel
External person
A.B. Newman
External person
Luigi Ferrucci
- Charite, Free University of Berlin, Charite Mitte Campus, Charite Medical University of Berlin, Humboldt University of Berlin, Dept Psychiat & Psychotherapy
- Natl Inst Aging, NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA), National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, Translat Gerontol Branch
- NIA, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA), Longitudinal Studies Sect, Translat Gerontol Branch, NIH
- NIA, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA), Expt Gerontol Sect, Translat Gerontol Branch, NIH
External person
D.R. van Domelen
External person
Pálmi V. Jónsson
- Univ Iceland, Landspitali National University Hospital, University of Iceland, Landspitali Univ Hosp, Fac Med, Dept Geriatr
- Landspitali Natl Univ Hosp, Landspitali National University Hospital, Dept Geriatr
External person
Peter Palm
External person
Alan Donnelly
External person
Rimke C. Vos
- Leiden Univ, Leiden University, Med Ctr, Dept Publ Hlth & Primary Care
- Leiden Univ, Leiden University, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Med Ctr, Dept Publ Hlth & Primary Care LUMC
External person
Denise K. Houston
External person
T.F. Lang
External person
Barbara J Nicklas
External person
T. Sveinsson
External person
B. Yu
External person
Y. Liu
External person
Eric J. Shiroma
External person
Hidde P. van der Ploeg
External person
Sanne A. E. Peters
- Univ Oxford, University of Oxford, George Inst Global Hlth
- Katholieke Univ Leuven, KU Leuven, Dept Publ Hlth & Primary Care, Acad Ctr Gen Practice
- Univ New South Wales, George Institute for Global Health, University of New South Wales Sydney, University of Sydney, George Inst Global Hlth
External person
Kristin Siggeirsdottir
External person
Thor Aspelund
External person
Tuija Leskinen
- Turku Univ Hosp, University of Turku
- Univ Turku, University of Turku, Ctr Populat Hlth Res
External person
Richard P. Troiano
External person
Jane A. Cauley
External person
Alun D. Hughes
- UCL, University of London, University College London, Inst Cardiovasc Sci
- University of Glasgow
- UCL, London, England
External person
Peter J Johansson
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Department of Medical Sciences
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Uppsala University Hospital
External person
Ann V. Schwartz
External person
Kristin Suorsa
- Centre for Population Health Research, University of Turku and Turku University Hospital
- Department of Public Health, University of Turku and Turku University Hospital
External person
Joanne M. Murabito
External person
Jennifer A. Schrack
External person
B. He
External person
Ole Mussmann
External person
Vassiliki Benetou
External person
Linh van Kan
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Med Ctr, Dept Human Biol & Human Movement Sci, NUTRIM Sch Nutr & Translat Res Metab
External person
Carol Maher
- Univ South Australia, University of South Australia, Sansom Inst, Sch Hlth Sci, Alliance Res Exercise Nutr & Act
External person
Karien Stronks
- AMC Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, Dept Publ Hlth
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst, Dept Publ & Occupat Hlth
- Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Acad Med Ctr, Dept Publ Hlth
- Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Dept Publ Hlth, Acad Med Ctr
External person
Thijs M H Eijsvogels
External person
Patrick Joseph Crowley
External person
Jaroslaw Harezlak
- Indiana Univ, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Sch Publ Hlth, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA
External person
Abraham A Kroon
- Acad Hosp Maastricht, Maastricht University, Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC)
External person
E. Johannsson
External person
B. Lange-Maia
External person
Ioannis Bellos
- Department of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Medical Statistics, School of Medicine
External person
Roland J., Jr. Thorpe
External person
Lauren J. Kim
External person
B. Meibohm
External person
N.Y. Arnardottir
External person
Mette Aadahl
External person
Anne Loyen
External person
Benedicte Deforche
External person
Jostein Steene-Johannessen
External person
Malcolm Granat
External person
Elif Inan Eroglu
External person
Matthew Stevens
External person
F.A. Tylvasky
External person
Giel Nijpels
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dept Gen Practice & Elderly Care Management
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, EMGO Inst Hlth & Care Res, Med Ctr
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, VU UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, EMGO Inst Hlth & Care Res
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Med Ctr, Dept Gen Practice & Elderly Care Med, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Med Ctr, EMGO Inst Hlth & Care Res, Amsterdam UMC
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, VU UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, Dept Gen Practice & Elderly Care Med
External person
Alfred Wagtendonk
External person
Daniel P. Beavers
External person
Kristine Yaffe
- UCSF, University of California San Francisco, University of California System, Sch Med, Div Epidemiol
External person
Marit de Jong
- Univ Med Ctr, Utrecht University, Utrecht University Medical Center, Julius Ctr Publ Hlth Sci & Primary Care
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht University Medical Center, Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Julius Ctr Hlth Sci & Primary Care
External person
D.K. Houston
External person
James J. McClain
External person
Gita Mishra
External person
Ilonca Vaartjes
External person
Sebastien Chastin
- Department of Movement and Sport Sciences, Ghent University
- School of Health and Life Science Glasgow Caledonian University
External person
P.V. Jonsson
External person
Ilse De Bourdeaudhuij
- Univ Ghent, Ghent University, Fac Med & Hlth Sci, Dept Movement & Sport Sci
- Univ Ghent, Ghent University, Fac Med & Hlth Sci, Dept Movement & Sports Sci
External person
Armando Teixeira-Pinto
External person
Jussi Vahtera
- Turku Univ Hosp, University of Turku
- Univ Turku, University of Turku, Ctr Populat Hlth Res
External person
Alka M Kanaya
- Univ Calif San Francisco, University of California System, University of California San Francisco, Dept Lab Med
External person
G. Sigurdsson
External person
Smaragdi Marinaki
- Department of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation, Laiko General Hospital
External person
N.W. Glynn
External person
Marco Pahor
- Univ Florida, University of Florida, State University System of Florida, Dept Aging & Geriatr Res, Inst Aging
- Univ Florida, State University System of Florida, University of Florida, Dept Aging & Geriatr Res
External person
A. Newman
External person
S. Satterfield
External person
Linde Van Hecke
External person
Bob van den Berg
External person
D.C. Bauer
External person
Kristen M. Beavers
External person
Eco J. C. de Geus
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Med Ctr, Dept Cardiol
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst, Dept Biol Psychol
- Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst, Med Ctr
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, APH Res Inst, Dept Biol Psychol, Amsterdam UMC
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dept Biol Psychol
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, VU UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat
- Amsterdam Neurosci, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
External person
Neville Owen
External person
Jung Sun Lee
External person
Eric Moll van Charante
- Amsterdam Public Health, Health Behaviours and Chronic Diseases
- Amsterdam University Medical Centers, location University of Amsterdam, Department of Public and Occupational Health
External person
E.M. Simonsick
External person
Ioannis N Boletis
- Department of Nephrology and Renal Transplantation, Laiko General Hospital
External person
Angelo Sabag
- School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney
External person
Michiel L. Bots
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht University Medical Center, Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Julius Ctr Hlth Sci & Primary Care
- Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Utrecht University Medical Center, Utrecht University, UMC Utrecht Regenerat Med Ctr
- Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht University Medical Center
- Univ Med Ctr, Utrecht University, Utrecht University Medical Center, Julius Ctr Publ Hlth Sci & Primary Care
- Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht University Medical Center, Dept Epidemiol
- Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Utrecht University Medical Center, Utrecht University, Julius Ctr Hlth Sci & Primary Care, Julius Global Hlth
External person
Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani
- Danish Centre for Motivation and Behaviour Science (DRIVEN), Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark
External person
Pagona Lagiou
- Univ Athens, Athens Medical School, University of Athens, WHO Collaborating Ctr Nutr & Hlth, Unit Nutrit Epidemiol & Nutr Publ Hlth, Dept Hyg Epidemiol & Med Stat,Sch Med
External person
Vadim Zipunnikov
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Sch Publ Hlth, Johns Hopkins University, Dept Biostat
- Johns Hopkins Univ, Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Dept Biostat, Bloomberg Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Oncol,Sch Med
External person
Trisha F. Hue
External person
Jaana Pentti
- Univ Helsinki, University of Helsinki, Fac Med, Dept Publ Hlth
- Univ Helsinki, University of Helsinki, Fac Med, Clinicum
External person
Douglas P. Kiel
External person
Alison Carver
External person
S. Stenholm
External person
Maite Verloigne
External person
Melissa E Garcia
External person
Katja van den Hurk
External person
Stephanie A. Studenski
External person
Anna Odone
- University of Pavia
- Univ Vita Salute San Raffaele, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Sch Publ Hlth Igiene & Med Prevent
- Univ Pavia, University of Pavia, Acad Lombarda Sanita Pubbl, Consorzio Pavese Studi Post Univ, Unit Forens Med & Forens Sci,Dept Public Hlth Exp
- Univ Vita Salute San Raffaele, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Publ Hlth Post Grad Sch
- Univ Pavia, University of Pavia, Unit Forens Med & Forens Sci, Dept Publ Hlth Expt & Forens Med
External person
Sara E. Perry
External person
Adrian E Bauman
External person
Douglas C. Bauer
- Univ Tubingen, Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen, Inst Med Genet & Appl Genom
External person
Dorret I. Boomsma
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dept Biol Psychol
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Med Ctr, Dept Cardiol
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst, Dept Biol Psychol
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, EMGO Inst Hlth & Care Res, Med Ctr
- University of Amsterdam, Dept Publ Hlth
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Neurosci Campus Amsterdam, Med Ctr, Dept Psychiat
- Amsterdam Neurosci, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Vrije Univ, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dept Biol Psychol, Netherlands Twin Register
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, VU UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- University of Amsterdam
External person
Johannes Brug
External person
Ingrid Hendriksen
- Netherlands Org Appl Sci Res TNO, Netherlands Organization Applied Science Research, Microbiol & Syst Biol Grp
External person
K.R. Martin
External person
David W. Dunstan
- Australian Catholic Univ, Australian Catholic University, Ctr Res Excellence Reduce Inequal Heart Dis, Mary MacKillop Inst Hlth Res
External person
Frances A. Tylavsky
External person
Albert Hollenbeck
External person
Marieke T. Blom
External person
Wei Vivian Zhuang
External person
Michael A. Nalls
- Univ Melbourne, University of Melbourne, Acad Unit Psychiat Old Age
- NIEHS, NIH National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH
External person
H. Khan
External person
the Health ABC Study
External person
Kathryn Rexrode
External person
Ezra I. Fishman
External person
Sarah Steiner
- Mackenzie Wearables Research Hub, Charles Perkins Centre, The University of Sydney
- School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, 1 John Hopkins Drive, Camperdown, Sydney, New South Wales
External person
Vasiliki V. Georgiopoulou
External person
Robert R. McLean
External person
Martin Reincke
- Ludwig Maximilians Univ Munchen, University of Munich, Med Klin & Poliklin 4
- Ludwig Maximilians Univ Munchen, University of Munich, Kiinikum Univ, Med Klin & Poliklin 4
- Ludwig Maximilians Univ Munchen, University of Munich, Klinikum Univ Munchen, Med Klin & Poliklin 1
External person
J.E. Sverrisdottir
External person
Tineke A. C. M. van Geel
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Dept Family Med, FHML
- Maastricht University, CAPHRI
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Res Sch Care & Publ Hlth Res Inst CAPHRI, Dept Family Med
External person
Paulo H. M. Chaves
- Florida Int Univ, Geriatric Research Education & Clinical Center, State University System of Florida, Florida International University, Benjamin Leon Ctr Geriatr Res & Educ, Dept Translat Med, Herbert Wertheim Coll Med
External person
Thomas M. Gill
External person
Josephine Y Chau
- Department of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences, Macquarie University
External person
Mirjam E. E. Kretzschmar
- RIVM, Netherlands National Institute for Public Health & the Environment, Ctr Infect, Dis Control
- Utrecht University
External person
K. Bammann
External person
Mark S Tremblay
External person
Massimo Mangino
- Guys & St Thomas Fdn Trust, Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, NIHR Biomed Res Ctr
- London Hosp, University College London, Queen Mary University London, University of London, Univ Coll
External person
Anouk F. J. Geraets
External person
Nicole Wijckmans
External person
Brian Chen
External person
Andrea Bankoski
External person
Myriam Fornage
- University of Glasgow
- Univ Texas Hlth Sci Ctr Houston, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston, University of Texas System, University of Texas School Public Health, Sch Publ Hlth, Human Genet Ctr
- Univ Texas Hlth Sci Ctr Houston, University of Texas Health Science Center Houston, University of Texas System, Inst Mol Med & Human Genet Ctr
- Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine and Human Genetics Center, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX.
External person
Hein van Onzenoort
- Radboud Univ Nijmegen, Radboud University Nijmegen, Med Ctr, Dept Pharm
- Radboud Univ Nijmegen, Radboud University Nijmegen, Med Ctr, Dept Internal Med, Radboud Expertise Ctr Immunodeficiency & Autoinf
- Erasmus MC
External person
Paul J Blijham
External person
Andrew L. Smith
External person
Robin Haring
External person
Terho Lehtimaki
- Univ Tampere, University of Tampere, Sch Med
- Univ Tampere, University of Tampere, Fac Med & Life Sci, Dept Clin Chem
- Univ Tampere, University of Tampere, Fac Med & Life Sci, Finnish Cardiovasc Res Ctr Tampere
- Univ Tampere, Tampere University, Fac Med & Life Sci, Finnish Cardiovasc Res Ctr Tampere
- Tampere Univ, Tampere University, Finnish Cardiovasc Res Ctr Tampere, Fac Med & Hlth Technol
- Tampere Univ, Tampere University, Fac Med & Hlth Technol, Finnish Cardiovasc Res Ctr, Dept Clin Chem
External person
Rutendo Muzambi
- London Sch Hyg & Trop Med, University of London, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Epidemiol & Populat Hlth Fac, MRC Trop Epidemiol Grp
External person
Albertine J. Oldehinkel
- Univ Groningen, University of Groningen, Univ Med Ctr Groningen, Interdisciplinary Ctr Psychopathol & Emot Regulat
- Univ Groningen, University of Groningen, Interdisciplinary Ctr Psychopathol & Emot Regulat, Dept Psychiat, Univ Med Ctr Groningen
External person
L. Ferrucci
- NIH, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA), Lab Epidemiol & Populat Sci, NIA, Intramural Res Program
External person
D.L. Harvey
- Univ East Anglia, Fac Med & Hlth Sci, Sch Hlth Sci, Norwich NR47TJ, Norfolk, England
External person
Richard Schulz
External person
S. Pajala
External person
Olli T. Raitakari
- Univ Turku, University of Turku, Res Ctr Appl & Prevent Cardiovasc Med
- Univ Turku, University of Turku, Turku Univ Hosp, Ctr Heart
External person
Frits R. Rosendaal
- Leiden Univ, Leiden University, Med Ctr, Dept Clin Epidemiol
- LUMC, Leiden University, Clin Epidemiol
- Leiden Univ, Leiden University, Med Ctr, Dept Metab & Clin Epidemiol
- Leiden Univ, Leiden University, Med Ctr, Leiden Ctr Translat Neurosci
- LUMC, Leiden University, Rheumatol
- Leiden Univ, Leiden University, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Dept Clin Epidemiol, Med Ctr
- Leiden Univ, Dept Clin Epidemiol, Med Ctr, Leiden, Netherlands
External person
Thuy-Tien L. Dam
External person
Linda F. Fried
External person
Bart van den Bemt
- Sint Maartensklin, Dept Pharm, Nijmegen, Netherlands
- Radboud Univ Nijmegen, Radboud University Nijmegen, Med Ctr, Dept Pharm
- Radboud University Medical Center
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Dept Clin Pharm & Toxicol, Med Ctr
- Sint Maartensklin, Dept Pharm
- Sint Maartenskliniek
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Med Ctr, Dept Clin Pharm & Toxicol
- Sint Maartensklin, Dept Pharm, NL-6500 GM Nijmegen, Netherlands
External person
D.L. Mann
External person
Immaculata De Vivo
- Harvard TH Chan Sch Publ Hlth, Harvard University, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Dept Clin Epidemiol
External person
C. Kirschbaum
External person
Mathias Skjødt
- Center for Active and Healthy Ageing (CAHA), Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics
- Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics
External person
P.Y. Kwok
External person
Birna Jonsdottir
External person
H Erich Wichmann
- Tech Univ Munich, Technical University of Munich, Inst Med Stat & Epidemiol
External person
Peter Vestergaard
- Aalborg Univ Hosp, Aalborg University, Dept Endocrinol
- Aalborg Univ Hosp, Aalborg University, Dept Clin Med & Endocrinol
- Aalborg Univ Hosp, Aalborg University
- Steno Diabet Ctr North Jutland, Steno Diabetes Center
- Aalborg Univ Hosp, Aalborg University, Steno Diabetes Center, Dept Endocrinol, Steno Diabet Ctr North Jutland
- Aarhus Univ Hosp, Aarhus University, Dept Surg
- Aarhus Univ Hosp THG, Aarhus University, Dept Endocrinol & Internal Med
- Aalborg Univ, Aalborg University, Clin Inst
External person
Meghan G. Donaldson
External person
Joshua Culverhouse
- Department of Public Health and Sport Sciences, University of Exeter
External person
Stephen M. Schwartz
External person
P. Eline Slagboom
- Leiden Univ, Leiden University, Med Ctr, Dept Med Stat & Bioinformat, Mol Epidemiol Sect
- Leiden Univ, Leiden University, Mol Epidemiol Sect, Dept Med Stat & Bioinformat, Med Ctr
- Leiden Univ, Leiden University, Dept Biomed Data Sci, Mol Epidemiol, Med Ctr
- Leiden Univ, Leiden University, Med Ctr, Sect Mol Epidemiol, Dept Biomed Data Sci
- Leiden Univ, Leiden University, Dept Biomed Data Sci, Med Ctr, Mol Epidemiol
- Max Planck Inst Biol Ageing, Max Planck Society
- Leiden University Medical Center
- Molecular Epidemiology (PES, MB, DV, NL), Department of Biomedical Data Sciences, Leiden University Medical Center
External person
Tongjian You
External person
Georg Homuth
- Harvard TH Chan Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol
- Univ Med Greifswald, Interfac Inst Genet & Funct Genom
- Univ Med Greifswald, Greifswald Medical School, Interfac Inst Genet & Funct Genom
External person
Martijn Huisman
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dept Sociol
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Fac Sociol
External person
Jeroenh. P. M. Van Der Velde
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Dept Internal Med, Med Ctr
External person
Anne Vuillemin
External person
Rachel Murphy
External person
Monique Verschuren
- Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu
- University Medical Center Utrecht
External person
Paul Willems
External person
Janne Sallinen
External person
Jenny van Dongen
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dept Biol Psychol
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, APH Res Inst, Dept Biol Psychol, Amsterdam UMC
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Neurosci Campus Amsterdam, Med Ctr, Dept Psychiat
- Amsterdam Publ Mental Hlth Res Inst, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst, Dept Biol Psychol
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
External person
N. J. Rianon
External person
David G. Cox
External person
Anneli Pouta
External person
Wim G. Goettsch
External person
Pamela Ouyang
External person
Diederick E. Grobbee
- Univ Malaya, Universiti Malaya, Med Ctr
- Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Utrecht University Medical Center, Utrecht University, Lab Expt Cardiol
- Univ Med Ctr, Utrecht University, Utrecht University Medical Center, Julius Ctr Publ Hlth Sci & Primary Care
- Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Utrecht University Medical Center, Utrecht University, Julius Ctr Hlth Sci & Primary Care, Julius Global Hlth
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University Medical Center, Utrecht University, Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Lab Expt Cardiol
External person
Liesbeth Vandenput
- Univ Gothenburg, University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Acad, Dept Internal Med & Clin Nutr, Ctr Bone & Arthrit Res,Inst Med
External person
Laure Morin Papunen
External person
Pasan Hettiarcachchi
- Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Department of Medical Sciences
External person
Fernando Rivadeneira
- Erasmus MC
- Netherlands Genom Initiat, Netherlands Consortium Healthy Ageing
External person
Cherie Falvey
External person
J. Lakerveld
External person
B.H. Goodpaster
External person
Alexander Teumer
- Univ Med Greifswald, Inst Community Med
- Univ Med Greifswald, Greifswald Medical School, Dept Internal Med B
- DZHK Deutsches Zentrum für Herz-Kreislauf-Forchung
- Univ Med Greifswald, Greifswald Medical School, Inst Community Med
- German Ctr Cardiovasc Res DZHK Partner Site Greif
- German Centre for Cardiovascular Research
- Greifswald Medical School
- Ernst Moritz Arndt Univ Greifswald, Ernst Moritz Arndt Universitat Greifswald, Univ Med, Dept Internal Med B
External person
Frank A. J. L. Scheer
- Harvard Med Sch, Harvard University, Div Sleep Med
- Brigham & Womens Hosp, Harvard University, Div Sleep & Circadian Disorders, Med Chronobiol Program
External person
Leon Straker
External person
J. Bai
External person
David J. Hunter
- Harvard Med Sch, Harvard University, Longwood Urol
- Harvard TH Chan Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol
- Harvard TH Chan Sch Publ Hlth, Harvard University, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Program Genet Epidemiol & Stat Genet
- Gartnavel Royal Hosp, Gartnavel Royal Hospital
- Harvard University
External person
Marianne Skovsager Andersen
- Department of Endocrinology, Odense University Hospital, University of Southern Denmark
External person
Jingmin Liu
External person
Geert Robaeys
- UZ Leuven, KU Leuven, University Hospital Leuven, Dept Hepatol
- Univ Hosp KULeuven, KU Leuven, University Hospital Leuven, Dept Gastroenterol & Hepatol
- Katholieke Univ Leuven, KU Leuven, Univ Hosp, Dept Gastroenterol & Hepatol
- Univ Hosp KU, Dept Gastroenterol & Hepatol
- Katholieke Univ Leuven, KU Leuven, Dept Gastroenterol & Hepatol
- KULeuven, KU Leuven, Univ Hosp, Dept Gastroenterol & Hepatol
- Katholieke Univ Leuven, KU Leuven, Univ Leuven, Lab Neurobiol
- Univ Hosp Leuven, KU Leuven, University Hospital Leuven, Metab Ctr, Dept Gastroenterol Hepatol
- Katholieke Univ Leuven, KU Leuven, University Hospital Leuven, Dept Gastroenterol & Hepatol, Univ Hosp Leuven
External person
Arend Mosterd
- Meander Med Ctr, Meander Medisch Centrum
- Meander Med Ctr, Meander Medisch Centrum, Dept Cardiol
External person
N. Rodondi
External person
Patrik Wennberg
External person
Fang-Chi Hsu
External person
J.S. Hiramoto
External person
M. A. Schepps
External person
M.E. Heilbrun
External person
T. B. Rice
External person
Silvio E. Inzucchi
External person
T. Rantanen
External person
G.J. Tranah
External person
C. Crainiceanu
External person
S. Yende
External person
Rikke Viggers
External person
Peggy M. Cawthon
External person
Dawn C. Mackey
External person
Alexander Pennings
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Dept Internal Med, Subdiv Rheumatol
External person
W.C. Hsueh
External person
Peter Kraft
- Harvard TH Chan Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol
- Harvard TH Chan Sch Publ Hlth, Harvard University, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Dept Epidemiol
- Univ Hosp Wurzburg, University of Wurzburg, Dept Neurol
External person
Tamara A. Harris
External person
J Butler
External person
Joel D Barnes
External person
Catherine R. Womack
External person
Nathalie De Rekeneire
External person
Mika Kahonen
- Univ Tampere, University of Tampere, Sch Med
- Univ Tampere, University of Tampere, Fac Med & Life Sci, Dept Clin Physiol
- Univ Tampere, University of Tampere, Fac Med & Life Sci, Finnish Cardiovasc Res Ctr Tampere, Dept Clin Physiol
- Tampere Univ, Tampere University, Fac Med & Hlth Technol
- Tampere Univ, Tampere University, Fac Med & Hlth Technol, Dept Clin Physiol, Finnish Cardiovasc Res Ctr
External person
S.B. Krichevsky
External person
Natasja M. van Schoor
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, VU UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, VU UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat
External person
Maren S. Fragala
External person
André G. Uitterlinden
- Erasmus MC
- Univ Bordeaux, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (Inserm), Communaute d'Universites et Etablissements d'Aquitaine (ComUE), INSERM, Bordeaux Populat Hlth Res Ctr, UMR1219
- Netherlands Genom Initiat, Netherlands Consortium Healthy Ageing
External person
M. Hung
External person
W. Jack Rejeski
External person
Sarah Keildson
External person
Nicole E. G. Wijckmans-Duysens
- Maastricht University, CAPHRI
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Med & Life Sci, Fac Hlth, Dept Epidemiol
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Fac Hlth Med & Life Sci, Dept Epidemiol
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, CAR Sch Cardiovasc Dis, Dept Epidemiol
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, CARIM Sch Cardiovasc Dis, CAPHRI Care & Publ Hlth Res Inst, Dept Epidemiol
External person
Karen C. Johnson
- Univ Tennessee, University of Tennessee System, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Hlth Sci Ctr, Dept Prevent Med
External person
Stefania Bandinelli
- Azienda USL Toscana Ctr, Geriatr Unit
- Azienda Sanit Firenze, Azienda Sanitaria di Firenze, Geriatr Unit
External person
T.C. Register
External person
Shalender Bhasin
External person
L. Xiao
External person
Abida B. Butler
External person
E. Jóhannsson
External person
J.H. Ix
External person
Markku Heliovaara
External person
Dick H. J. Thijssen
External person
Barbaros Eroglu
External person
Danielle A. I. Groffen
External person
Anne M. Kenny
External person
Vasiliki Lagou
- Oxford Univ Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, University of Oxford, OXford NIHR Biomed Res Ctr
External person
Le Wei
- School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney
External person
Salomé Aubert
External person
Doris Stockl
External person
Jolanda M. A. Boer
- Ctr Hlth Protect, Netherlands National Institute for Public Health & the Environment, Natl Inst Publ Hlth & Environm
- Netherlands National Institute for Public Health & the Environment
External person
Anna Murray
External person
Gonneke Willemsen
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dept Biol Psychol
- Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst, Med Ctr
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, APH Res Inst, Dept Biol Psychol, Amsterdam UMC
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
External person
Eleanor M. Simsonick
External person
Nathalie Stienen
External person
E. Bakker
External person
M. Garcia
External person
Wouter Bijnens
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Med Ctr, Dept Surg, Div Trauma Surg
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Engn Dept, Instrument Dev Engn & Evaluat
External person
D.R. Witte
External person
Renée de Mutsert
- Leiden Univ, Leiden University, Med Ctr, Dept Clin Epidemiol
- Leiden Univ, Leiden University, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Dept Clin Epidemiol, Med Ctr
External person
Maria T. Vassileva
External person
Jingzhong Ding
External person
Thao Minh Lam
- Amsterdam Public Health, Health Behaviours and Chronic Diseases
- Amsterdam University Medical Centers location Vrije Universiteit, Epidemiology and Data Science
- Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht University
- Upstream Team, Amsterdam UMC
External person
M.G. Shlipak
External person
Chunyan He
External person
Rayaz A. Malik
- Qatar Fdn, Qatar Foundation, Weill Cornell Medical College Qatar, Res Div, Weill Cornell Med Qatar
- Qatar Fdn, Weill Cornell Medical College Qatar, Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University, Qatar Foundation, Weill Cornell Med Coll Qatar
- Weill Cornell Med Coll Qatar, Weill Cornell Medical College Qatar, Res Div
- Univ Manchester, University of Manchester, Inst Human Dev, Div Diabet Endocrinol & Gastroenterol
- Weill Cornell Med, Weill Cornell Medical College Qatar, Dept Med
- Ipswich Hosp NHS Trust
- Univ Manchester, Manchester, Lancs, England
External person
Sarah Nelson
- Univ Washington, University of Washington, University of Washington Seattle, Dept Biostat
- University of Washington; University of Washington Seattle
External person
Osorio Meirelles
External person
Marcello R. P. Markus
External person
Marco Puts
External person
David Montero
External person
Mark Woodward
- Univ Oxford, University of Oxford, George Inst Global Hlth
- Johns Hopkins Univ, Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol
- Johns Hopkins Univ, Johns Hopkins University, Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol
External person
Roel Vermeulen
- Univ Med Ctr, Utrecht University, Utrecht University Medical Center, Julius Ctr Publ Hlth Sci & Primary Care
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Div Environm Epidemiol, IRAS
- Imperial Coll London, Imperial College London, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, MRC, Hlth Protect Agcy Ctr Environm & Hlth
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Inst Risk Assessment Sci, Div Environm Epidemiol
- Imperial Coll London, Imperial College London, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Med Res Council Publ Hlth England Ctr Environm &
- Imperial Coll London, Imperial College London, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Inst Risk Assessment Sci
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Inst Risk Assessment Sci IRAS, Div Environm Epidemiol
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht University Medical Center, Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Julius Ctr Hlth Sci & Primary Care
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, IRAS
- Utrecht University
External person
Lutzen Portengen
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Inst Risk Assessment Sci, Div Environm Epidemiol
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, IRAS
External person
Frank C.T. van der Heide
- Centre de Recherche Epidémiologiques et Bio Statistiques de Sorbonne Paris Cité (CRESS)
External person
Dorothea Dumuid
- Alliance for Research in Exercise, Nutrition and Activity, Allied Health & Human Performance
External person
Kristine E. Ensrud
External person
Dan Mellstrom
- Univ Gothenburg, University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Acad, Dept Internal Med & Clin Nutr, Ctr Bone & Arthrit Res,Inst Med
External person
I. Reinders
External person
Coen H. van Gool
External person
Marian van den Akker
External person
I. Miljkovic
External person
E. M. L. Wolfs
- Med Ctr Alkmaar, Dept Internal Med
- Hasselt Univ, Hasselt University, IMO
External person
John R B Perry
External person
A. S. Kapadia
External person
Susan E. Hankinson
- Univ Massachusetts, University of Massachusetts System, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Dept Biostat & Epidemiol
- Harvard University
External person
Aimo Ruokonen
External person
Yuwei Qi
External person
Derek Karssenberg
External person
S. Köhler
External person
Teresa A. Hillier
External person
K. Siggeirsdottir
External person
Maria T. E. Hopman
- Radboud Univ Nijmegen, Radboud University Nijmegen, Med Ctr, Dept Physiol
- Radboud Univ Nijmegen, Radboud University Nijmegen, Med Ctr, Dept Physiol, Inst Hlth Sci
External person
Bert van Rietbergen
- Eindhoven University of Technology, Fac Biomed Engn
- Eindhoven Univ Technol, Eindhoven University of Technology, Fac Biomed Engn, Sect Orthopaed Biomech
- Eindhoven Univ Technol, Eindhoven University of Technology, Sect Orthopaed Biomech, Fac Biomed Engn
- Eindhoven Univ Technol, Eindhoven University of Technology, Fac Biomed Engn
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Med Ctr, Dept Orthopaed Surg
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Dept Orthopaed Surg, Med Ctr
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Res Sch CAPHRI, Dept Orthopaed Surg, Med Ctr
- Eindhoven University of Technology
- Maastricht University, CAPHRI
- VieCuri Med Ctr, VieCuri Medical Center
- Eindhoven Univ Technol, Eindhoven University of Technology, Orthopaed Biomech, Dept Biomed Engn
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Med Ctr, Res Sch CAPHRI, Dept Orthopaed Surg
- Eindhoven Univ Technol, Eindhoven University of Technology, Biomed Engn Dept
- Maastricht University Medical Center+
External person
Francisco J Somolinos-Simón
- Bioengineering and Telemedicine Group, Centro de Tecnología Biomédica, ETSI de Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
External person
Hannu Martikainen
External person
L.A. Schaap
External person
Ann-Kristin Petersen
External person
Ramachandran S. Vasan
- Boston Univ, Boston University, Sch Med, Dept Med, Dept Prevent Med
External person
C.M. Crainiceanu
External person
L. Wei
External person
Peter Cistulli
External person
Leslie Raffel
External person
Daniel Arvidsson
External person
Taina Rantanen
External person
Jacques Th M. van Eijk
External person
Marieke F van Wier
- Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute, Quality of Care
- Department of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery, Section Ear and Hearing, Amsterdam UMC Location Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1117
External person
M.C. Nevitt
External person
Karen Steindorf
- Univ Alberta, University of Alberta, Fac Phys Educ & Recreat
- Natl Ctr Tumor Dis NCT, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg, Helmholtz Association
- Natl Ctr Tumor Dis NCT, Helmholtz Association, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg
External person
Albert Hofman
- Erasmus MC
- Harvard TH Chan Sch Publ Hlth, Dept Epidemiol
- Netherlands Genom Initiat, Netherlands Consortium Healthy Ageing
- Harvard TH Chan Sch Publ Hlth, Harvard University, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Dept Epidemiol
External person
W. C. Taylor
External person
Dennis M. Black
External person
Laurien M. Buffart
- Univ Newcastle, University of Newcastle
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC, Dept Med Oncol, Canc Ctr Amsterdam
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Canc Ctr Amsterdam, Dept Med Oncol, Amsterdam UMC
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Med Ctr, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat, Amsterdam, Netherlands
External person
Guangju Zhai
External person
Marjo-Riitta Jarvelin
- Oulu Univ Hosp, University of Oulu, Unit Primary Care
- University College London
- Faculty of Medicine
- University of Oulu
- Oulu University Hospital
External person
Anke Huss
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Inst Risk Assessment Sci, Div Environm Epidemiol
External person
Marc J. Gunter
- Int Agcy Res Canc, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), World Health Organization, Nutr & Metab Sect
- WHO, World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Int Agcy Res Canc, Sect Nutr & Metab
- Int Agcy Res Canc, World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Monographs Programme
- Int Agcy Res Canc IARC WHO, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), World Health Organization, Nutr & Metab Sect
- World Hlth Org, World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Int Agcy Res Canc
- Int Agcy Res Canc IARC WHO, World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Nutrit Epidemiol Grp, Nutr & Metab Sect
External person
N. Ahituv
External person
Haykanush Ohanyan
- Amsterdam Public Health
- Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
External person
Peter H. Van Ness
External person
Johanne E. Bolijn
- Maastricht Univ, Maastricht University, Med Ctr, Dept Human Biol & Human Movement Sci, NUTRIM Sch Nutr & Translat Res Metab
External person
Joline Wj Beulens
- Amsterdam Public Health, Health Behaviours and Chronic Diseases
- Amsterdam University Medical Centers location Vrije Universiteit, Epidemiology and Data Science
External person
Johannes Kettunen
- Univ Oulu, University of Oulu, Ctr Life Course Hlth Res
- Univ Helsinki, Helsinki University Central Hospital, University of Helsinki, Helsinki Univ Hosp
- Finland National Institute for Health & Welfare
External person
Jose Tapia-Galisteo
- Bioengineering and Telemedicine Group, Centro de Tecnología Biomédica, ETSI de Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
- Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER)-BBN: Networking Research Center for Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine
External person
Christine M. Friedenreich
- Univ Calgary, University of Calgary, Dept Community Hlth Sci, Cumming Sch Med
- Alberta Health Services (AHS)
External person
Javed Butler
- Univ Mississippi, University of Mississippi, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Med Ctr, Dept Med L650
- SUNY Stony Brook, State University of New York (SUNY) System, State University of New York (SUNY) Stony Brook, Med Ctr, Dept Internal Med
- Univ Mississippi, University of Mississippi, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Med Ctr, Ctr Biostat & Bioinformat
- Univ Mississippi, University of Mississippi, Sch Med, Dept Med
External person
B.G. Windham
External person
Osten Ljunggren
External person
H. Valkeinen
External person
Laura A. Schaap
External person
C.N. Marti
External person
Ronica N. Rooks
External person
Martin Bidlingmaier
External person
D.S. Evans
- Stanford Univ, Sch Med, Dept Med, Div Cardiovasc Med, Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA
External person
Andries J. Smit
- Univ Groningen, University of Groningen, Univ Med Ctr Groningen, Div Vasc Med, Dept Internal Med
- Univ Groningen, University of Groningen, Res Inst GUIDE, Grad Sch Med Sci, Univ Med Ctr Groningen
- Univ Med Ctr Groningen, University of Groningen, Dept Gastroenterol & Hepatol
External person
Steven C. Moore
- NCI, National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA, NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI), Div Canc Epidemiol & Genet
External person
Joel Eriksson
- Univ Gothenburg, University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Acad, Dept Internal Med & Clin Nutr, Ctr Bone & Arthrit Res,Inst Med
- Department of Psychology, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden.
External person
Frank M van der Sande
External person
Kristine Færch
- Univ Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, Fac Hlth & Med Sci, Dept Biomed Sci
External person
E.S. Strotmeyer
External person
Dhananjay Vaidya
- Johns Hopkins Univ, Johns Hopkins University, Sch Med, Dept Med, GeneSTAR Res Ctr
External person
Yvonne T. van der Schouw
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht University Medical Center, Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Julius Ctr Hlth Sci & Primary Care
External person
Andrew Atkin
- School of Health Sciences and Norwich Epidemiology Centre, University of East Anglia
External person
Mark I. McCarthy
- Churchill Hosp, University of Oxford, Biomed Res Ctr, Oxford Natl Inst Hlth Res NIHR
- Oxford Univ Hosp NHS Fdn Trust, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hosp, Oxford NIHR Biomed Res Ctr
External person
Nicole R. den Braver
- Wageningen Univ, Wageningen University & Research, Div Human Nutr
External person
Petra H M Peeters
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht University Medical Center, Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Julius Ctr Hlth Sci & Primary Care
- Imperial Coll London, Imperial College London, Public Health England, Sch Publ Hlth, Fac Med, Dept Epidemiol & Biostat
- Universiteit Maastricht/Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum+
External person
M.A. Calton
External person
Thomas Illig
External person
Eric Vittinghoff
External person
C. Wassel
External person
W. M. Monique Verschuren
- Univ Utrecht, Utrecht University, Utrecht University Medical Center, Univ Med Ctr Utrecht, Julius Ctr Hlth Sci & Primary Care
- Natl Inst Publ Hlth & Environm, Netherlands National Institute for Public Health & the Environment, Ctr Nutr Prevent & Hlth Serv
- Ctr Hlth Protect, Netherlands National Institute for Public Health & the Environment, Natl Inst Publ Hlth & Environm
- UMCU, Unilever, Utrecht University, Utrecht University Medical Center, Julius Ctr Hlth Sci & Primary Care
- Natl Inst Publ Hlth & Environm RIVM, Netherlands National Institute for Public Health & the Environment, Ctr Prevent & Hlth Serv Res
- Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care (ELT, MK, WMMV, MIG), University Medical Center Utrecht and Utrecht University
- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (ACJN, WMMV)
- Netherlands National Institute for Public Health & the Environment
External person
Mai J. M. Chinapaw
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Dept Publ & Occupat Hlth, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst
- Guys & St Thomas NHS Fdn Trust, Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Lane Fox Resp Res Unit
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst, Dept Publ & Occupat Hlth
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, VU UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER, Dept Publ & Occupat Hlth, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst, Dept Publ & Occupat Hlth, Amsterdam UMC
- Vrije Univ Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam Publ Hlth Res Inst, Dept Publ & Occupat Hlth
External person
P.M. Cawthon
External person
Nicholas A Koemel
- Charles Perkins Centre, The University of Sydney, Sydney
- Mackenzie Wearables Research Hub, Charles Perkins Centre, The University of Sydney, Sydney
- School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Sydney
External person
Sarah Kozey Keadle
External person