Activities per year
- 40 results
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Hi-Tech Toxicity: The dangers of unregulated AI characters on the EU market
Duffourc, M. (Speaker)
17 Jan 2025Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Präsentation von Digitale Aktanten, Hybride, Schwärme
Beckers, A. (Speaker)
18 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Popular
« RegTech » : Technologies réglementaires pour protéger la vie privée dans des applis mobiles
Kollnig, K. (Speaker)
May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Looted art
van Vliet, L. (Speaker)
6 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Werkgeversaansprakelijkheid ex art. 7:658 en 7:611 BW
Hartlief, T. (Speaker)
15 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Keynote - Was Technologie im Sorgfaltsprozess bewirken kann (und was nicht)
Beckers, A. (Speaker)
3 Dec 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Popular
Regulatory Technologies for the Study of Data and Platform Power in the App Economy
Kollnig, K. (Speaker)
Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Access all areas? Research data access under the DSA
Kollnig, K. (Speaker) & Tamo - Larrieux, A. (Speaker)
Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Recognition of Non-EU Judgments in the EU Member States- a Workshop of the EAPIL Young Research Network
van Houtert, B. (Speaker)
21 Nov 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
The power of data access in digital markets
Kollnig, K. (Speaker)
Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
De turboliquidatie anno 2024
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
De turboliquidatie anno 2024
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
Nov 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Voordracht over Arbeidsongevallenrecht, in het kader van een Specialisatieopleiding Arbeidsrecht, georganiseerd door Opleidingscentrum voor Recht en praktijk en het Hugo Sinzheimerinstituut
Hartlief, T. (Speaker)
22 Mar 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Kunst- en cultuurvoorwerpen met een mogelijk problematische herkomst
van Vliet, L. (Speaker)
14 Oct 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Empowering Shareholders To Enhance Corporate Sustainability
Jeremiašová, L. (Speaker)
18 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
« RegTech » : Technologies réglementaires pour protéger la vie privée dans des applis mobiles
Kollnig, K. (Speaker)
Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Shareholders and Sustainability
Jeremiašová, L. (Speaker)
26 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Partial Legal Capacity as an Approach to AI Contracting
Beckers, A. (Speaker)
21 Oct 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Interrogating European Transnational Private Law
Beckers, A. (Speaker)
24 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
De turboliquidatie anno 2024
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
De turboliquidatie anno 2024
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Balancing user autonomy and resulting risks in a right to repair for mobile apps
Kollnig, K. (Speaker)
Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Big tech – why it matters to researchers and why it should matter to the regulators
Kollnig, K. (Speaker)
Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Why CS must care about the law: priorities for more effective tech regulation
Kollnig, K. (Speaker)
Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
De Tijdelijke Wet Transparantie Turboliquidatie: een doekje voor het bloeden?
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
A note on fAIrness
Rosca, C. (Speaker)
10 Feb 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Turboliquidaties anno 2023: een wettelijke verbetering of nog steeds een problematische ontbindingswijze
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Turboliquidaties anno 2023: een wettelijke verbetering of nog steeds een problematische ontbindingswijze?
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
De Tijdelijke wet transparantie turboliquidatie
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Identity (Crisis) for Advertisers? Studying the App Tracking Ecosystem
Kollnig, K. (Speaker)
Jul 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Presentation at MEPLI-talk: Data-driven Nudges in Investment Apps ― An Opportunity to Develop a Healthy and Sustainable Financial Environment Amidst the Retail Investment Boom
Yang, W.-T. (Speaker)
14 Mar 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Mac Cormick Lecture: The Role of the Board of Directors in Sustainability Embedding: A Dutch Perspective
Olaerts, M. (Speaker)
28 Apr 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
De geschillenregeling
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Turboliquidaties anno 2023: een wettelijke verbetering of nog steeds een problematische ontbindingswijze?
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Turboliquidaties anno 2023: een wettelijke verbetering of nog steeds een problematische ontbindingswijze?
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Dark patterns
Rosca, C. (Speaker)
12 Dec 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Reflecties op de herziene corporate governance code
Olaerts, M. (Speaker)
20 Dec 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Company Law: a piece of music
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
De overeenkomst in faillissement
Renssen, S. (Speaker)
2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional