Activities per year
- 19 results
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Cognitive rehabilitation after stroke
van Heugten, C. (Speaker)
4 Feb 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Overprikkeling na hersenletsel
van Heugten, C. (Speaker)
13 Feb 2022Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Professional
Een drukte van jewelste: overprikkeling na hersenletsel
van Heugten, C. (Speaker)
27 Nov 2020Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Professional
Cognition and emotion after stroke
van Heugten, C. (Speaker)
7 Oct 2020 → 11 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
The influence of personal factors on outcome in everyday life and ecologically valid outcome measurement
van Heugten, C. (Speaker)
7 Oct 2020 → 11 Oct 2020Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Loopbaanadvisering een vak apart: op weg naar een professie?
Gijselaers, W. (Assessment committee chair)
Oct 2018 → …Activity: PhD examination / assessment committee › PhD (co-) supervision / assessment committee - internal promotion › Academic
Cognitive functioning based on the MoCA and CLCE-24 in brain injury research
van Heugten, C. (Speaker)
8 Nov 2018Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Apraxia after stroke: evidence-based assessment and treatment
van Heugten, C. (Speaker)
1 Dec 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Cognitive rehabilitation 2.0?
van Heugten, C. (Speaker)
22 May 2017 → 24 May 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Special Interest Group on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation of the WFNR (External organisation)
van Heugten, C. (Chair)
2017 → …Activity: Membership (due to research expertise) › Membership of network › Academic
Enhancing the evidence-base on cognitive rehabilitation: what do we know and what do we need?
van Heugten, C. (Speaker)
4 Sept 2017 → 5 Sept 2017Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (Journal)
van Heugten, C. (Editor)
2013 → …Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Editorial activity; journal › Academic
World Federation of Neurological Rehabilitation (WFNR) (External organisation)
van Heugten, C. (Member)
2011 → …Activity: Membership (due to research expertise) › Membership of network › Academic
Special Interest Group on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation of the WFNR (External organisation)
van Heugten, C. (Member)
2011 → …Activity: Membership (due to research expertise) › Membership of network › Academic
Vereniging van Revalidatieartsen (External organisation)
van Heugten, C. (Member)
2007 → …Activity: Membership (due to research expertise) › Membership of network › Academic
National Platform on Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (External organisation)
van Heugten, C. (Chair)
2007 → …Activity: Membership (due to research expertise) › Membership of network › Academic
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neuropsychologie (NvN) (External organisation)
van Heugten, C. (Member)
2000 → …Activity: Membership (due to research expertise) › Membership of network › Academic
Society for Cognitive Rehabilitation (SCR) (External organisation)
van Heugten, C. (Member)
2000 → …Activity: Membership (due to research expertise) › Membership of network › Academic
‘Neuropsychological Treatment’ of the Netherlands Institute of Psychologists (NIP), section neuropsychology (External organisation)
van Heugten, C. (Member)
1999 → …Activity: Membership (due to research expertise) › Membership of committee › Academic