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Aspirant FWO-Vlaanderen
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), 2000
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively › Academic
Aspirant FWO-Vlaanderen
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), 1998
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively › Academic
China-EU School of Law Research Grant: Procedural rights in competition law in the EU and China
Cauffman, C. (Recipient) & Hao, Q. (Recipient), 2012
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards) › Academic
Digital labour platforms targeting EU citizens/ service providers
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards) › Professional
Exploring IT/AI tools for monitoring online markets for consumer policy purposes
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), Goanta, C. (Recipient), Moodley, K. (Recipient), van Dijck, G. (Recipient) & Hernández Serrano, P. (Recipient), 2019
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards) › Professional
Improving coherence between private law and competition law
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), 2009
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards) › Academic
Marie Curie IEF Fellowship
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively › Academic
Member of the Competition Lawyers Forum
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Election to learned society › Academic
Member of the European Law Institute
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), 2012
Prize: Election to learned society › Academic
National reports for Belgium and the Netherlands on interest in cartel damages claim
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards) › Academic
Researcher Research School Ius Commune
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), 1998
Prize: Election to learned society › Academic
Research Leader Law of Obligations and Contracts Ius Commune
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Election to learned society › Academic
Scientific Research and Documentation Centre (co-applicant): Harmonising Consumer Contract Law in Europe: consequences for the Netherlands
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), Hartlief, T. (Recipient) & Faure, M. (Recipient), 2008
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards) › Academic
Senior researcher Research School Ius Commune
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), 2010
Prize: Election to learned society › Academic
Silver medal for the research concerning “detection of product safety issues based on consumers’ online reviews”.
Fuchs, M. (Recipient), Jadhav, A. (Recipient), Jaishankar, A. (Recipient), Cauffman, C. (Recipient) & Spanakis, J. (Recipient), 2023
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards) › Academic
Standardisation as regulatory technique in the process of European integration: voluntary, inclusive and legitimate
Cauffman, C. (Recipient) & Eliantonio, M. (Recipient), 2018
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards) › Academic
The exploratory Study of Consumer Issues in the Sharing Economy
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards) › Academic
Using AI for consumer protection: creating AI based persona for mystery shopping (NWO)
Cauffman, C. (Recipient) & Hernández Serrano, P. (Recipient), 2020
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards) › Academic
‘Business-to-business transactions: a comparative analysis of legal measures vs. soft-law instruments for improving payment behaviour
Cauffman, C. (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Prize (including medals and awards) › Academic