Activities per year
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Permanent establishment under the OECD Model Treaty and fixed establishment under the EU VAT Directive: a comparison between the two concepts in a changing international tax framework
van den Hurk, H. (Assessment committee chair)
16 Aug 2024Activity: PhD examination / assessment committee › PhD assessment committee - external promotion › Academic
Are uniformity and legal certainty in EU tariff classification really two sides of the same coin?
van den Hurk, H. (Supervisor)
10 Sept 2024Activity: PhD examination / assessment committee › PhD (co-) supervision / assessment committee - internal promotion › Academic
HNP/ITEM Roundtable - Cross-border cooperation in a new political reality: A future perspective for border regions after the European elections?!
Bollen, A. (Speaker)
11 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Startevenement Schakelpunt Grensbelemmeringen Vlaanderen - Nederland (moderator)
Bollen, A. (Speaker)
4 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Are uniformity and legal certainty in EU tariff classification really two sides of the same coin?
Bollen, A. (Assessment committee chair)
10 Sept 2024Activity: PhD examination / assessment committee › PhD (co-) supervision / assessment committee - internal promotion › Academic
De fiscale arbeidsrelatie en de handhaving van de Wet DBA per 2025
Weerepas, M. (Speaker)
1 Nov 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Professional
Reconsidering Formulary Apportionment in the Post-BEPS Era
van den Hurk, H. (Assessment committee member)
21 Nov 2024Activity: PhD examination / assessment committee › PhD assessment committee - external promotion › Academic
Werken over grenzen heen: Naar een eerlijke 360-graden arbeidsmarkt in de Nederlandse-Duitse grensregio
Bollen, A. (Speaker)
17 Jun 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Professional
Social Security and Tax Law in Cross-border situations, Principles, common features, differences and interaction of levies (speakers: B. Spiegel, N. Rennuy and M. Weerepas)
Weerepas, M. (Speaker)
21 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Professional
Een jaar Benelux-Politieverdrag: praktijk en toekomstperspectieven
Bollen, A. (Speaker)
8 Oct 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Professional
ITEM Preuvenemint Meeting 2024 - ITEM’s 10th anniversary
Bollen, A. (Speaker)
23 Aug 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Cross-border jobfair Beveren
Kramer, S. (Speaker)
23 Apr 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Professional
The role of EU tax law and international tax law in fiscally fostering an adequate (cross-border) pension: interconnectivity, convergence, divergence?
Kramer, S. (Speaker)
5 Sept 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Fiscale aspecten van grensoverschrijdende arbeid (incl. premieheffing)
Weerepas, M. (Speaker)
21 Nov 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Grensoverschrijdend thuiswerken, Uitgangspunten belasting- en verzekeringsplicht, Benelux Brussel, 4 oktober 2024
Weerepas, M. (Speaker)
4 Oct 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Professional
13e Pensioenseminar Maastricht - Outside In | Solidariteit: kiezen voor SPR of FPR of is er meer? Solidaire premieregeling (SPR) - Flexibele premieregeling (FPR)
Bollen, A. (Speaker)
29 Jan 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
The CJEU’s and the European Commission’s Role in Reconciling Article 18 with the Different Approaches to Taxing Pensions: Measures Falling Short in a Globalizing World?
Kramer, S. (Speaker)
17 May 2024Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Curso de Postgrado. Convenios para Evitar la Doble Imposición Internacional
Buitrago Diaz, E. (Organiser)
4 Sept 2023 → 8 Sept 2023Activity: Organizing, contributing or attending an event › Organizing or contributing to an event › Academic
Accounting standards and material competitive distortions: state aid versus minimum taxation?
Luja, R. (Speaker)
9 Jun 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Recent Case Law on General Anti-Abuse Provisions and Principal Purpose Test
Buitrago Diaz, E. (Speaker) & Anguita, C. (Speaker)
13 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
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Protecting the EU’s internal market from foreign subsidies & tax incentives
Luja, R. (Speaker)
25 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Popular
12e Grensoverschrijdende Pensioenseminar Maastricht
Bollen, A. (Organiser)
23 Jan 2023Activity: Organizing, contributing or attending an event › Organizing or contributing to an event › Academic
Next ITEM: Provincial Elections from a Cross-border Perspective
Bollen, A. (Chair)
10 Mar 2023Activity: Organizing, contributing or attending an event › Organizing or contributing to an event › Professional
Cross-border teleworkers, Post-covid era - the challenges of teleworking
Weerepas, M. (Speaker)
19 Jan 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Professional
Hoog-ambtelijke paneldiscussie m.b.t. Benelux-thema's en -samenwerking
Bollen, A. (Speaker)
9 Feb 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Grensoverschrijdend werken binnen de EU
Weerepas, M. (Speaker)
21 Mar 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
ITEM Annual Conference 2023 - Infrastructure and mobility: 'Strong connectionas with neighbouring countries towards a sustainable and liveable society across the border' / ITEM Jaarconferentie 2023 - Infrastructuur en mobiliteit: 'Sterke verbindingen met buurlanden, gericht op een duurzame en leefbare samenleving over de grens'
Bollen, A. (Speaker), Mertens, P. (Speaker), Unfried, M. (Speaker), Sivonen, S. (Speaker), Kramer, S. (Speaker), Noortmann, M. (Speaker) & de Groot, J. (Speaker)
17 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Special Anti-Abuse Provisions, case law
Buitrago Diaz, E. (Speaker) & Montoya, L. (Speaker)
13 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
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International instruments for fiscal transparency and the fight against fraud and corruption
Buitrago Diaz, E. (Member of programme committee)
2 Nov 2023Activity: Organizing, contributing or attending an event › Organizing or contributing to an event › Professional
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YUFE Law Schools Meeting (Event)
Buitrago Diaz, E. (Member)
30 Sept 2023Activity: Membership (due to research expertise) › Membership of network › Academic
Tax treaties and new anti-abuse concepts
van den Hurk, H. (Speaker)
20 Feb 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Foreign Subsidies: Regulating Non-EU Autonomy to Grant Tax Incentives
Luja, R. (Speaker)
5 Oct 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Tax Treaties after BEPS
van den Hurk, H. (Speaker)
20 Feb 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Chronic of a death foretold. The Principal Purpose Test in Tax Treaties
Buitrago Diaz, E. (Speaker)
30 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
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Tax Compliance at a cross roads
van den Hurk, H. (Assessment committee member)
3 Mar 2023Activity: PhD examination / assessment committee › PhD (co-) supervision / assessment committee - internal promotion › Academic
PhD Meeting on Pensions 2023
Bollen, A. (Chair)
1 Jun 2023Activity: Organizing, contributing or attending an event › Organizing or contributing to an event › Academic
Sustainable cross-border infrastructure and mobility in North-West Europe's Delta corridor
Bollen, A. (Speaker)
27 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Professional
Conflicts of Characterization in DTCs. Articles 7, 21, 12, 14 and 17 in the OECD and UN MTC.
Buitrago Diaz, E. (Speaker)
6 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Limitations to business freedom and tax competition (Limitaciones a la libertad contractual y de negocios y competencia fiscal)
Buitrago Diaz, E. (Speaker)
4 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Permanent Establishment (Establecimiento Permanente)
Buitrago Diaz, E. (Speaker)
5 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Taxable Amount and VAT Rates
van Doesum, A. (Speaker)
19 Jan 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Fiscal state aid and tax avoidance: Where are we now? - The Foreign Subsidies Regulation
Luja, R. (Speaker)
6 Jul 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Professional
Round Table: "Robotic and Artificial Intelligence. Review of Case Law from an International Tax Treaty Perspective". (Mesa redonda Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial, análisis de casos en el Derecho Tributario Internacional).
Buitrago Diaz, E. (Chair), Malherbe, J. (Chair), Grau, A. (Chair), Urbina, C. (Chair), Ramirez Aramayo, Y. (Member of programme committee), Rodriguez Infantes, C. (Member of programme committee), Gomez, A. (Member of programme committee), Del Corto, C. (Member of programme committee), Bravo Gaviria, J. R. (Member of programme committee) & Coronel, C. (Member of programme committee)
15 Sept 2023Activity: Organizing, contributing or attending an event › Organizing or contributing to an event › Professional
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Curso de Postgrado: Profundización en Derecho Internacional Tributario
Buitrago Diaz, E. (Organiser)
10 Sept 2023 → 15 Sept 2023Activity: Organizing, contributing or attending an event › Organizing or contributing to an event › Academic
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Fundamentals of International Taxation, emphasis on Tax Treaty Law (Fundamentos de la Tributación Internacional, énfasis en Convenios)
Buitrago Diaz, E. (Speaker)
4 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Academic
Training MOFTI Taiwan: tax treaty abuse and transfer pricing abuse.
van den Hurk, H. (Organiser)
21 Feb 2023 → 24 Feb 2023Activity: Organizing, contributing or attending an event › Organizing or contributing to an event › Academic
van Doesum, A. (Speaker)
8 Mar 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
De Dos and Don’ts van een btw
van Doesum, A. (Speaker)
8 Sept 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Talk or presentation - at conference › Academic
Next ITEM - Nieuwspoort: Tweede Kamerverkiezingen, zijn de grensregio's in beeld?
Bollen, A. (Speaker), Mertens, P. (Speaker) & Unfried, M. (Speaker)
16 Nov 2023Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / Speeches › Performance, Talk or Presentation - not at conference › Professional
Maasdalseminar - Zorgplicht en keuzebegeleiding: Wat is vereist, wat is nodig?
Bollen, A. (Chair)
10 Nov 2023Activity: Organizing, contributing or attending an event › Organizing or contributing to an event › Professional