What is our obligation towards nature?

  • Patrick Huntjens

Press/Media: Expert CommentPopular


There is a war going on in Europe, climate change is becoming more visible, and there is a growing divide between the rich and the poor. To overcome these crises, we need to look at the basis of our society, the social contract, said Patrick Huntjens, professor of Governance of Sustainability Transitions at the School for Business and Economics, during his inaugural speech in the St. Jan's church last Friday.

Period25 Jan 2023

Media coverage


Media coverage

  • TitleWhat is our obligation towards nature?
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletobservantonline
    Media typeOnline
    DescriptionSymposium: A new social contract in times of crises, 20 January 2023
    There is a war going on in Europe, climate change is becoming more visible, and there is a growing divide between the rich and the poor. To overcome these crises, we need to look at the basis of our society, the social contract, said Patrick Huntjens, professor of Governance of Sustainability Transitions at the School for Business and Economics, during his inaugural speech in the St. Jan's church on Friday 20th of January 2023.
    Producer/AuthorCleo Freriks
    PersonsPatrick Huntjens