Politics of Memory in European Migration Societies

  • Andrea Tyndall (Participant / Attendee)

Activity: Organizing, contributing or attending an eventOrganizing or contributing to an eventAcademic


The findings from this meeting, Democracy and Diversity: principles and concepts for educating citizens in a global age are to be used at the EU Portugal Education Policy Conference (EU Lisbon Constitution recommendations). Report: 'Networking European Citizenship Education', Berlin 11-13 October 2006 EUROCLIO Board Member Vassiliki Sakka, funded by her national government, recently took part in the Networking European Citizenship Education conference in Berlin on the topic of ‘The Politics of Memory in European Migration Societies: Consequences for Citizenship Education’ This event was organised by The Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) in cooperation with Remembrance and Future Fund (Fonds ‘Erinnerung und Zukunft’
Period11 Oct 200613 Oct 2006
Event typeSeminar
LocationBerlin, GermanyShow on map