Just like poetry and other art forms, dreams have a logic of their own. This type of logic tends to clash with the laws of everyday reality, but is all the more in tune with those of the human soul. Sometimes the symbolic language of dreams, whether they be fictional or real ones, makes sense in an unexpected way. We will go into some examples of Jungian dream interpretation, focusing in particular on a dream which St. Monica is supposed to have had about her son, St. Augustine. In his Confessiones the latter relates the following about his mother's dream:"In her dream she saw herself standing on a wooden rule, and saw a bright youth approaching her, joyous and smiling at her, while she was grieving and bowed down with sorrow. But when he inquired about the cause of her sorrow and daily weeping (not to learn from her, but to teach her, like people do), and when she answered that it was my ruin she was lamenting, he bade her to remain content and told her to look and see that where she was, there I was also. And when she looked, she saw me standing near her on the same rule." (Augustine, Confessiones III:11)
Period | 1 Jul 2017 |
Event title | 34th International Conference on Psychology and the Arts |
Event type | Conference |
Location | Palermo, ItalyShow on map |
Degree of Recognition | International |