Affect and careful engagement in STIR

  • Mareike Smolka (Speaker)

Activity: Talk or presentation / Performance / SpeechesTalk or presentation - at conferenceAcademic


Mareike Smolka will shed light on the affective qualities of collaborative interactions structured by STIR. STIR is a research method that studies how technoscientific experts take into account the societal dimensions of their work as an integral part of that work, which is also called “socio-technical integration.” Drawing on her co-authored article “From Affect to Action: Choices in Attending to Disconcertment in Interdisciplinary Collaboration,” Mareike will discuss how unruly affects can become resources for socio-technical integration. The talk will focus on moments of disconcertment that she experienced while collaborating with a neuroscientific research team studying the impact of mindfulness meditation on health and well-being in elderly participants. Different modes of careful engagement enabled collaborators to build trust, facilitate interdisciplinary knowledge production, and generate practical outcomes.
Period29 Apr 2022
Event titleSTIR Seminar Series 2022
Event typeSeminar