A comparative study of legal developments concerning platforms in the Eu, Us, and Korea. Focused on abuse of dominant
- Faure, M. (Supervisor)
- Schneider, H. (Supervisor)
- Nicolaides, P. (Assessment committee chair)
- A. Gerbrandy (Assessment committee member)
- Ho-young Lee (Assessment committee member)
- Philipsen, N. (Assessment committee member)
- Maastricht European Private Law Institute
- Maastr Inst for Transnat Legal Research
- Transnational environmental law
- Liability and insurance
- METRO - Institute for Transnational Legal Research
- Faculty of Law Research
- MACCH - Faculty of Law
- International Law
- Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility
- MACIMIDE - Faculty of Law
- CERiM - Faculty of Law
- Maastricht Centre for European Law
- Integration, Differentiation and Flexibility: New Perspectives on EU Law and Policy
Activity: PhD examination / assessment committee › PhD (co-) supervision / assessment committee - internal promotion › Academic